The sale function in SuperOffice CRM enables you to record sales, keep track of costs and profits for every sale, and link sales to projects.
Managing your sales opportunities efficiently leads to closing more deals. SuperOffice Sales is designed to assist sales team in their everyday tasks and equip them to always hit their targets.
Watch this video and see how easy pursuing sales opportunities can be with SuperOffice CRM (video length - 2:16):
The Sale screen contains information about the sales entered into SuperOffice CRM. Each sale is displayed like an index card, showing all information about that sale.
To move between sales, click the previous/next buttons ( ) at the bottom right of the cards.
You can also create a quote in the Quote section tab in the Sale screen.
Where can I view sales?
In addition to the Sale screen, sales are displayed on the Sales section tab in the Company, Contact, Diary, and Project screens
Double-click a sale in one of these locations to open the sale in the Sale screen.
Use sales overview to prioritize
Keep your sales organized so that you are always focused on the sales that matter the most to you.
After you have registered all your sales in SuperOffice CRM, they will appear in your personal sales overview in the Sales tab and in your Diary.
You can organize your sales list by filtering, grouping and adding the columns that are most important for you. The most used columns are: sales amount, sales date and sales stage.
The Sales tab also acts like a sales secretary by highlighting all your upcoming planned activities in the Next Activity field, as well as drawing your attention to those that you may have forgotten in red font.
The Sale main card
The Sale tab
This tab contains the main fields you need to fill in. Title is the first, and it's also mandatory. Read more about how to create a sale.
The Details tab
This tab contains fields that focus, in particular, on the financial details of the sale.
Field | Description | Defined in Settings and maintenance |
Number | The ID number for the sale, where the next free sale number is entered automatically. | x |
Source | Displays the source of the sale, as specified in the Sale tab. You can also edit the source here. | |
Competitor | Contains a predefined list of competitors. Here you can enter any competitor for the sale. You can choose only one competitor. | x |
Total cost | Enter here the cost connected with the sale. It is displayed in the same currency as the amount. The default value is 0. When you enter an amount in this field, the profit percentage and amount are automatically calculated in the field below. | |
Profit | Enter the profit connected with the sale here. It is displayed in the same currency as the amount. | |
Credited | Contains a predefined list of departments that can be responsible for the sale. | x |
If you change the value in the Total cost field, the Profit field or the field for the profit percentage, the other fields are automatically updated.
The More tab for sales
The More tab includes additional custom fields for the sale. Up to three fields from the More tab can also be shown in the main Sale tab for easier visibility.
The Note tab
Here you can enter information of any kind. The contents of this field is searchable via Free-text search.
The Sale screen section tabs
The lower part of the Sale screen consists of section tabs.
- Activities
- Sales guide
- Stakeholders
- Quote (requires a licence)
Sales guides are only shown for specific sales types (defined in Settings and maintenance). If you select a sale type for which a sales guide is defined, the Sales guide section tab is displayed.
Administrators can add more section tabs through Settings and Maintenance under Lists > GUI - Web panel. These tabs can link to external URLs for additional context.