Create a project
Watch this video or follow the steps below to learn how to create a project (video length - 2:49):
Click New on the top bar and select Project.
In the empty project card, fill in the required information in the fields in the Project tab. See details below.
Optionally, go to one of the tabs to enter further information.
Click Save. You are now ready to add project members.
What goes in the various fields?
Project name: Type in the name of the project in the field at the top of the Project tab. Project Name is shown in red, indicating that this field is mandatory.
If you try to create a project with the same, or similar, name as an existing project, the Duplicates dialog opens. This works in the same way as for companies.
Number: In this field, SuperOffice CRM automatically enters the next available project number. The default setting is 10001 for the first project number and the value increases by 1 for each new project. These values can be changed in Settings and maintenance by administrators, so you do not have to worry about this.
Website: This field contains a table with columns for Web Address (URL) and Title.
Enter the address of a web page on the Internet and a brief description of the sort of page it is. You can enter several web addresses if required. Click outside the table when you are done, or press TAB until the table closes.
Description field: Enter a more detailed description of the project in the large text box.
Responsible: Specify here the person who is responsible for the project. Click the arrow to display a list of users, user groups and resources in the database.
Type: Choose the type of project here. Click the arrow to display a list of predefined types. This is a mandatory field and must therefore be filled in. These are defined in Settings and maintenance.
Some project types are linked to a project guide. If you switch project type, the associated project guide also disappears. Any activities and documents created in connection with the project guide will remain on the Activities section tab in the diary. If you later switch back to the original project type, the link between the follow-ups/documents and the project guide is restored.
Status: Specify the status of the project here. Click the arrow to display a list of predefined alternatives. These are defined in Settings and maintenance.
If the project is linked to a project guide, the statuses of the project guide are shown in this field. When you change a status, for example from Planned to In progress, the first status in the Project guide section tab is marked as completed, with a tick.
End date: Enter the end date of the project in the End date field. To change the proposed end date, click the arrow next to the date and select a new one in the calendar that appears.
Next milestone: If the project is linked to a project guide, the Next milestone field shows the date of the next milestone follow-up linked to the project. If this date is prior to today, it is shown in red. If the project is not linked to a project guide, the project end date is shown here. The Next milestone date calculates automatically based on activities linked to the project or entered via the project guide. Usually this is the date of the next open activity in the project's Activities section tab.
User-defined fields: Three of the user-defined fields from the More tab may also be displayed here, as defined in Settings and maintenance. The fields displayed can vary from user group to user group.
Completed: This box indicates whether the project is completed.