document Table (10)
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Documents, this table is an extension of the Appointment table. There is always a corresponding appointment record; the relation between appointment and document is navigable in both directions. A document-type appointment record always has a corresponding document record and a record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this.
Name | Description | Type | Null |
document_id | Primary key | PK | |
application_id | Application this document was made with | FK ExtApp | |
name | File name | String(511) | |
header | Visible document name | String(219) | ● |
our_ref | Our reference, searchable field from freetext search | String(99) | ● |
your_ref | Your reference | String(99) | ● |
searchname | Searchable name (not used?) | String(99) | ● |
attention | Attention/salutation | String(99) | ● |
text_id | Pointer to optional long description | FK text | ● |
archiveProvider | Document plugin id copied from the DocTmpl.autoevent_id - tells us where the document content is stored | Id | ● |
appointment_id | points back to owning appointment | FK appointment | ● |
registered | Registered when | UtcDateTime | |
registered_associate_id | Registered by whom | FK associate | |
updated | Last updated when | UtcDateTime | |
updated_associate_id | Last updated by whom | FK associate | |
updatedCount | Number of updates made to this record | UShort | |
extref | External reference (notes ID, email ID, URL, whatever) for use by document plugin in locating document content | String(511) | ● |
userdef_id | User-defined fields | FK uddocsmall | ● |
userdef2_id | User-defined fields | FK uddoclarge | ● |
snum | The sequence number allocated from refcount on used template when creating the document | Int | ● |
ExtUrl | For DocPlugin-internal use only. Used to optionally cache URL of external documents. | String(1023) | ● |
contentSetCount | Number of times content has been set on this document. | Int |
Fields | Types | Description |
document_id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
header | String(219) | Index |
our_ref | String(99) | Index |
searchname | String(99) | Index |
archiveProvider | Id | Index |
extref | String(511) | Index |
userdef_id | FK | Index |
userdef2_id | FK | Index |
Table | Description |
appointment | Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents (document_id != 0). An appointment always has a corresponding record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this. |
associate | Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons |
email_item | Email data |
ExtApp | ExtApp list table. Applications startable from SuperOffice |
Quote | Quote root level, at most one per Sale, always connected to one Sale |
QuoteVersionAttachment | Actual attachments to a quote |
s_message | A message used in a shipment. Can be html and/or plain text |
s_shipment | Contains info about one shipment. The addresses are stored in s_shipment_addr |
SaleTypeQuoteAttachment | Default attachments to quotes linked to sales of this type |
text | Long text fields from all over the system |
uddoclarge | User-defined fields |
uddocsmall | User-defined fields |
Replication Flags
- Area Management controlled table. Contents replicated to satellites and traveller databases.
- Replicate changes UP from satellites and travellers back to central.
- Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.
- Cache table during filtering.
Security Flags
- Sentry controls access to items in this table using user's Role and data rights matrix on the table's parent.