s_shipment Table (334)
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Contains info about one shipment. The addresses are stored in s_shipment_addr
Name | Description | Type | Null |
id | Primary key | PK | |
description | Describes the shipment | String(255) | ● |
message_id | The id of the message that is sent in this shipment | FK s_message | |
start_date | The date and time when to start this shipment | DateTime | ● |
end_date | Is set when this shipment is ended | DateTime | ● |
from_addr | Email address to put in the From header of the messages | String(255) | |
reply_addr | Email address to put in the Reply To: header of the messages | String(255) | ● |
envelope_from | Email address for the MTA envelope (where bounces are returned) | String(255) | ● |
smtp_serv | The server to use for this shipment. | String(255) | ● |
smtp_port | The port of the SMTP server to use for this shipment. | Int | |
send_rate | Maximum number of messages sent per minute. | Int | |
status | Sending/stopped/failed etc. | Enum ShipmentStatus | |
recipients | The total number of recipients to send message to. | Int | |
actual_rate | The actual rate of messages per minute. can be lower than send_rate | Int | |
actual_time | The time of the last checkpoint | DateTime | ● |
actual_count | Number of emails sent at the last checkpoint | Int | |
current_sender | Timestamp to identify which ejsender that owns this shipment | Int | ● |
ticket_owner | The owner of the ticket if any is created while sending out a shipment. -1 if no ticket should be automatically delegated, 1 if the ticket is unassigned, >1 for all others | Int | ● |
ticket_category | The category of tickets created while sending out if any. -1 if no ticket should be created | Int | ● |
flags | Various flags for a shipment | UInt | ● |
folder_id | The folder which this shipment belongs to. -1 indicates that the shipment is on the root | Int | |
configuration | This field indicates what kind of shipment this is. | Int | |
selection_id | Set if this shipment should be related to a Selection | FK selection | ● |
project_id | Set if this shipment should be related to a Project | FK project | ● |
generated_document_id | ID of the merged document that is the result of the shipment | FK document | ● |
registered | Registered when | UtcDateTime | ● |
registered_associate_id | Registered by whom | FK associate | ● |
updated | Last updated when | UtcDateTime | ● |
updated_associate_id | Last updated by whom | FK associate | ● |
updatedCount | Number of updates made to this record | UShort | ● |
active_pane | The currently active pane in the mailing wizard | Int | ● |
sorting | Which sorting should be used on the document mailing recipient list, used when generating PDF | Enum RecipientSorting | |
delivered_num | Number of mails sent minus bounces | Int | ● |
open_num | Number of opened emails count | Int | ● |
open_rate | Open rate % (open_num / delivered_num) | Double | ● |
click_num | Number of links clicked | Int | ● |
click_rate | Click rate % (click_num / delivered_num) | Double | ● |
hardbounce_num | Number of hard bounces | Int | ● |
hardbounce_rate | Hard bounce rate % (hardbounce_num / number_transmitted) | Double | ● |
softbounce_num | Number of soft bounces | Int | ● |
softbounce_rate | Soft bounce rate % (softbounce_num / number_transmitted) | Double | ● |
totalbounce_num | Total number of bounces | Int | ● |
totalbounce_rate | Total bounce rate % (totalbounce_num / number_transmitted) | Double | ● |
are_statistics_dirty | Indicates if shipment needs statistics calculation, set by code that changes the shipment or receives clicks/opens | Bool | |
sent_num | Number of mails sent | Int | ● |
shipmenttype_id | Id of subscriptionType that this shipment has, so we may check for reservations | FK ShipmentType | ● |
Fields | Types | Description |
id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
message_id | FK | Index |
are_statistics_dirty, id | Bool, PK | Index |
Table | Description |
associate | Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons |
document | Documents, this table is an extension of the Appointment table. There is always a corresponding appointment record; the relation between appointment and document is navigable in both directions. A document-type appointment record always has a corresponding document record and a record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this. |
form | A form which can be published on a webpage and submitted by visitors |
project | Projects |
s_bounce_shipment | Email bounces from customers |
s_link_customer | A connection between a customer and a link. Registered customers are identified when clicking on a link |
s_link_customer_statical | A connection between a customer and a link. Registered customers are identified when clicking on a link |
s_list_shipment | A connector between shipment and list so that one shipment can have many lists, and one list can have many shipments |
s_message | A message used in a shipment. Can be html and/or plain text |
s_sent_message | Emarketeer message control |
s_shipment_addr | Addresses that are ready to be sent in a shipment. |
s_smtp_servers | Contains the smtp server for a shipment |
selection | Selections |
ShipmentType | Shipment type list table. Classification of a mailing, allowing recipients to subscribe to lists |
sms | This table will hold outgoing sms messages when transmitted with WebServices |
Replication Flags
- None
Security Flags
- No access control via user's Role.