View elements
View elements display read-only info.
These elements may not contain children!
Visual components
Header: adds a sub-header (can be made into a link)
Link row (Anchor line): adds a horizontal line of clickable URLs (breadcrumbs)
BR: adds an HTML line-break (vertical space)
HR: adds a horizontal line
Info fields v2
Info fields v2 adds a grid of information fields.
Example config
profileBaseTable = contact
profileElementName = view_contact
where.0.field = contact.contact_id
where.0.indent = 0
where.0.operator = OperatorEquals
where.0.rowOperator = OperatorAnd
where.0.valueId = true
where.length = 1
The values can be grouped.
groups.0.fields.0.appendField =
groups.0.fields.0.baseUrl = ?action=listTicket&id=
groups.0.fields.0.field = ticket.title
groups.0.fields.0.label = Title
groups.0.fields.1.appendField =
groups.0.fields.1.baseUrl = ?action=listTicket&id=
groups.0.fields.1.field = ticket.owned_by.username
groups.0.fields.1.label = Owner
groups.0.fields.length = 2
groups.0.label = First
groups.length = 1
In this example, there's 1 group with 2 fields.
HTML text with parser and database
Adds HTML-formatted text, including data from the database as parser variables.
This element also supports AJAX. See examples in the element reference.
Data table
A data table adds a dynamic grid (table) automatically filled with data. The information is based on a query to the database.
Example with simple values
criteria.0.field = ticket.(ticket_customers->ticket_id).customer_id.contact_id
criteria.0.indent = 0
criteria.0.operator = OperatorEquals
criteria.0.rowOperator = OperatorAnd
criteria.0.valueId = true
criteria.1.field = ticket.status
criteria.1.indent = 0
criteria.1.operator = OperatorLte
criteria.1.rowOperator = OperatorAnd
criteria.1.value = 3
criteria.length = 2
dbDistinct = true
distinct =
profileElementName = ej_viewContact_ticketTable
Example with callback script
In this example, the data table contains requests with ID less than 50. The table lists the title, the owner's username, and the status. The ID is a hidden field.
fields.0.field = ticket.title
fields.0.label = Title
fields.1.field = ticket.owned_by.username
fields.1.label = Owner
fields.2.field =
fields.2.hidden = true
fields.3.field = ticket.status
fields.3.label = Status
fields.length = 4
criteria.0.field =
criteria.0.indent = 0
criteria.0.operator = OperatorLt
criteria.0.rowOperator = OperatorAnd
criteria.0.value = 50
criteria.length = 1
showTicketStatus = true
url = ticket.exe?action=listTicket&ticketId=
Now, lets change the colors of the rows:
- We add a new hidden field to store the value of the colors. You can use any field not already in the table. Remember to update
. - Then we tie in a callback function
to do the magic.
fields.4.hidden = true
fields.4.field =
fields.length = 5
colorField =
callbackInit = init
callbackDisplay = formatDisplayField
Callback functions (in the Body tab):
// Set up the SearchEngine
Void init(SearchEngine se) {
// Change the colorfield according to the ticket's status.
// Add a text on the owner's column for the users that have status not present.
// Translate status IDs to text.
String formatDisplayField(SearchEngine se, String field) {
if(field == "ticket.owned_by.username") {
User u;
if (u.getValue("status") == "2")
return se.getField(field) + " : Not present";
return se.getField(field);
else if(field == "ticket.status") {
if(se.getField("ticket.status").toInteger() == 1)
return "Open";
else if (se.getField("ticket.status").toInteger() == 2)
return "Closed";
else if (se.getField("ticket.status").toInteger() == 3)
return "Postponed";
else if (se.getField("ticket.status").toInteger() == 4)
return "Deleted";
else if (field == "") {
if(se.getField("ticket.status").toInteger() == 1)
return "#8888FF";
return "#FF8888";
// default, return the field unchanged
return se.getField(field);
Static grid
Static grid adds an empty static grid (table). You must add content manually!
Chart adds a chart using the JavaScript charts library.
Context-specific elements
Dependency graph (for project)
Messages: display the messages for a ticket
Recipients: shows email recipients
Planner (diary): shows a day schedule
The Ejscript element adds a completely custom element to your screen. Use CRMScript to set content and behavior.
Example: add a heading
print("**" + getLanguageVariable("newTicketDesc") + "**");
Perhaps with some additional styling:
print("<div style='font-size:15pt;'>" + getLanguageVariable("msg1") + "</div>");
Example: close ticket
print("$(document).on('ready', function() { if (top.opener && !top.opener.closed) top.opener.location.reload(true);\n");
print("'', '_self', ''); window.close();});\n");
Example: resize element
String message = "Uninitialized message...";
Void element_printOnLoadSection() {
Void element_printJavaScriptSection() {
print("function mySetSizeFunction(width, height) { document.getElementById('myElement').style.width width* 4; document.getElementById('myElement').style.height = height* 4; }\r\n");
Void element_printHeadSection() {
print("<style> .myElementStyleClass { border: black solid 2px; } </style>");
Void element_printBodySection() {
print("<div class='myElementClass' id='myElement'>" + message + "</div>");
String element_getSetSizeStatement() {
return "mySetSizeFunction(";
Void element_setValue(String value) {
message = value;
Void element_setFieldValue(String field, Map map) {
if (field == "setMessage")
message = map.get("message");