Create a new sales guide
This task is done in Settings and maintenance and you must be an administrator.
In Settings and maintenance, you define which sale types are to be assigned a sales guide and which stages and activities the sales guides are to contain. What a sales guide looks like can therefore vary.
The best way to define your own workflow is, first and foremost, to discuss and agree on the best practices in your sales process. You can set up multiple sale types with guides if your company uses more than one sales process. For example, you can have a sale type with guide for prospects, for existing customer and one for long-term sales processes that contain many stages and activities.
This procedure shows you how to create a sales guide from scratch.
- Define stages to include in the sales guide.
- Define the sale type (with associated stages) that the sales guide will be linked to.
- Design the sales guide.
Create stages for the sales guide
A sales guide must be linked to a sale type, which in turn consists of several stages. How to create stages.
For example, a sales guide for sales to new customers may include the stages "First meeting", "Quotation" and "Signing of contract".
Go to the next procedure to link the stages to a sale type.
Create a sale type for the sales guide
A sales guide must be linked to a sale type. How to create a sale type.
Examples of sale types: "Sale to new customer", "Sale to existing customer", "Cross-sale to existing customer".
- Check This sale type is linked to a guide.
- Select at least two stages.
- Go to the next procedure to create the sales guide.
Create a sales guide
After you have created stages and specified a sale type for the sales guide, you can design the sales guide itself by adding follow-ups and/or documents for each stage.
Click Workflow in the Navigator.
Select the Sales guide tab.
In the list at the top, select the sale type you want to create a sales guide for. The stages selected for this sale type are displayed below.
If the sale type is not set up to have a sales guide, click Click here to turn on guide.
If there are no stages defined for the sale type, click Click here to add stages. You can also edit the sale type by clicking the Edit button at the top.
Select the required stage in the list. The stage's details are shown at the bottom of the screen.
Add one or more follow-ups for the selected stage.
You do not need to add a document for each stage, but you should add at least one follow-up for each stage.
Add one or more documents for the selected stage.
Repeat steps 4-6 for each stage you want to add follow-ups and documents for.
The changes are saved automatically. The sales guide will now be displayed in SuperOffice CRM when a sale is created with the sale type selected in step B.
Add a follow-up for a stage
Select the required sale type and stage as described above.
Click Add under Suggested follow-ups in stage.
In the Suggested follow-up dialog, enter the name of the follow-up in the Name field. This should be a descriptive name for the follow-up.
In the The purpose of this follow-up field, enter the text to use as tooltip for the follow-up in the Sales guide section tab in SuperOffice CRM.
Some of the options below are, for logical reasons, not relevant for the first follow-up in a sales guide.
Check Automatically suggest this follow-up if you want SuperOffice CRM to suggest this follow-up when the previous follow-up (in this or the previous stage) is marked as completed.
Select a type for the follow-up in the Follow-up type list.
In the Start date field, specify how many days there should be between the previous follow-up and this one.
In the Duration field, specify how long the follow-up should last. The format is 0h00m.
In the Default text in follow-up field, enter a description for the follow-up.
The user can change the above information as required.
Click Save.
Repeat this procedure to add more follow-ups in this or other stages.
Example of a follow-up
- Sale type: Sale to new customer
- Stage: First meeting
- Name of follow-up: First meeting
- Purpose of this follow-up: Examine the potential customer's requirements and assess if the product can meet their needs
- Follow-up type: Customer meeting
- Duration: 1 hour
- Default text:
Agenda for first meeting:
- Information about the customer's business and organization - Needs, wants, problems - Company presentation - Other
Add a document for a stage
Select the required sale type and stage as described above.
Click Add under Suggested documents in stage.
In the Suggested document dialog, enter the name of the document in the Name field. This should be a descriptive name for the document.
In the The purpose of this document field, enter the text to use as tooltip for the document in the Sales guide section tab.
Select the required template in the Template field.
Enter the subject to be used in the document in the Default subject field.
Enter any reference in the Our ref. field. For example, a template variable for sales number, sales title or another field relating to the sale.
Click Save.
Repeat this procedure to add more documents in this or other stages.
Example of a document
- Sale type: Sale to new customer
- Stage: First meeting
- Name of document: Meeting confirmation
- Purpose of this sales step: Send an email with meeting confirmation and date/time to all attendees for the first meeting.
- Template: Email
- Default subject: Meeting confirmation (first meeting)