Publish FAQ entries
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When a request handler creates a suggestion for an FAQ entry, it is unpublished and unavailable in SuperOffice Customer Centre. To make it available, a person with FAQ administration rights must publish it.
- When you log in, any unpublished FAQ entries are shown on the Status tile on the dashboard, under Unpublished FAQ entries.
- Go to in the top bar and select Knowledge base > FAQ.
- Click on the required entry.
- In the FAQ entry screen, click Edit entry.
- In the FAQ entry properties screen, select the Question and Answer tabs, and read through the question and answer.
- If required, edit the question and answer to make them suitable for an FAQ entry and reusable.
- If you have multiple languages, you have to select the different languages in the footer and check the question and answer tabs.
- Select the Properties tab.
- Publish the FAQ entry by selecting Published in the Workflow field.
- Make any other required changes in the Properties tab.
- Click OK. The FAQ entry is now available for use.