Archive an email
When you click the Archive email button on the mail client toolbar, a menu with archiving options is displayed.
This button also appears in the email window when you open an email you received.
- Archiving emails on companies/contacts
- Archiving emails as activities
- Archiving attachments
- Archiving emails as requests
For all the different archiving options, you may select the Warn me when an email is larger than (in KB) option in the General settings pane of the SuperOffice CRM options dialog. Thus, when you try to archive an email containing an attachment that is over the specified limit, a dialog will inform you of this and ask you if you would like to archive it anyway.
Differences between Outlook, Notes, and SuperOffice CRM
You can create emails in several different ways, both from Outlook and from SuperOffice CRM. If the Document dialog appears, the email is treated as a SuperOffice document and will be archived. If the Document dialog does not appear, the email is archived based on the settings in the SuperOffice CRM options dialog.
The Document dialog opens automatically if you:
Click the Write button in SuperOffice CRM.
Click the down arrow to the right of the New email button on the Microsoft Outlook toolbar and select one of the templates on the SuperOffice message submenu.
The Document dialog will not open automatically if you:
Click the New email button in the mail client. The emails will, however, be archived if the Archive email by default when: created from email client option in the SuperOffice CRM options dialog is selected.
Click the Email button in SuperOffice CRM. The emails will, however, be archived if the Archive email by default when: created from SuperOffice CRM option in the SuperOffice CRM options dialog is selected.
When you create an email using the Email button in SuperOffice CRM, it is possible to use a predefined email body template by default if the Use SuperOffice email body option in the SuperOffice CRM options dialog is selected.
This also applies if you click an email address in SuperOffice CRM, send an email from the Contacts section tab, or reply to/forward an email from the Activities section tab.
The email is already archived in SuperOffice CRM
When an email is archived by a user, it is tagged with a unique ID within SuperOffice CRM. This means that next time someone tries to archive the same email, a warning will appear informing them about this; in this way, it is possible to avoid duplicates in the database.
If you open an email that has already been archived, the Archive email button will appear green with a white check-mark. If you hold the mouse pointer over the button, an info box is displayed, telling you when and by whom the email was archived. This presupposes that you selected the Check for duplicates when an email is opened option in the SuperOffice CRM options dialog.