Check in/out documents
In SuperOffice CRM, many people are creating, editing and reading documents at any given time. If multiple users are editing the same document at the same time, they risk overwriting each other's data. To prevent this from happening, SuperOffice CRM will lock a document when it is being edited by a user. Other users can still open the document, but only in read mode. (If your organization uses a document library like SharePoint, multiple people can edit a document simultaneously.)
Edit mode and read mode
Edit mode: The document is opened for editing. The document cannot be edited by other users until you save and close the document, which automatically checks in the document.
If you do not want a document to be automatically checked in when you save and close it, you can activate the Suggest check-in when editing is complete option in Preferences in SuperOffice WebTools.
Read mode: The document is opened for reading. If you make changes to the document, they will not be saved. To save the document with your changes, you must create a new document in SuperOffice CRM and upload the file with your changes.
By default, a document is opened in edit mode. If you prefer to select read mode or edit mode when you open a document, go to Personal settings > Preferences > Functions and set Ask to edit or read to Yes.
How do I know when a document is checked out?
In the Document dialog, a checked-out document displays a banner showing who is editing it.
You are editing this document.
You cannot edit this document because it is locked by NN.
Check out a document for editing
Open a document and select to edit the document. The document is checked out for editing by you. Other users can only open the document in read mode.
Check in a document after editing
In most cases, you can save and close the document in the application, and the document is checked in automatically.
Cancel a check-out (revert to saved version)
You need special privileges to access this option. You also need write access to the document.
If another user has checked out a document, always contact that user before performing this procedure. Otherwise there is a risk that you overwrite someone else's changes or the other user overwrites your changes when they check in the document
The best option may be to make a copy of the document and edit the copy.
If you or someone else checked out a document, and you want to edit the document, you can cancel the check out:
- Right-click the document and select Document.
- In the Document dialog, click and select Revert to saved version.