Import contacts and product data
An empty CRM database won't help you manage your contacts. By importing your customer data all in one go using our import feature, you can quickly start managing your customer relationships in SuperOffice CRM.
Using the Windows client? See Windows Client settings.
We recommend that you contact SuperOffice Support to back up the SuperOffice database before you import large amounts of data.
In the Import screen, you can import companies, contacts and products into SuperOffice. You can import both new companies/contacts and existing companies/contacts with updated data.
For every import, a selection is created in SuperOffice CRM. This allows you to further process the imported companies/contacts, or to delete them.
The Import function supports imports from the following sources:
- Excel. Using the Excel format, you can import companies, contacts and products from other applications and formats.
- Outlook. Imports companies and contacts from Microsoft Outlook.
- Gmail. Imports companies and contacts from Google Gmail.
- ERP. Imports actors (customers, suppliers and individuals) from an ERP system.
To import other data like projects, sales, currencies, post codes and red-letter days, you must use the Import feature in Windows Client settings.
Import into empty SuperOffice database
Import all company and contact data. Make sure you link all columns in the import to the correct SuperOffice fields and specify the correct Import settings to include all the necessary data from the import source.
Import companies only: If you only want to import companies without contacts, go to Import settings and select the None - do not import contact option in the Duplicate match list box under Contact.
Import contacts only: If you only want to import contacts without companies, go to Import settings and select the Import contacts without company option in the If no company name list box under Contact.
Update old data in SuperOffice
If SuperOffice contains obsolete information and you want to update these fields with the correct information from Excel, for example, you should use the Replace - overwrite existing action when importing. Any empty SuperOffice fields will also be updated with new information.
Import additional information
If you are missing a lot of information about customers and contacts in SuperOffice, use the Merge - update empty fields action when importing companies and contacts. This will update only empty fields without overwriting the existing information.