Import from Gmail
We recommend that you contact SuperOffice Support to back up the SuperOffice database before you import large amounts of data.
Import companies/contacts from Gmail
Open the Import screen by clicking the Import button in the Navigator.
Click the Gmail icon under Select an import source.
Give access. The dialog shown depends on if you are already logged in to Gmail
If the Request for permission dialog appears, you are already logged in to Gmail. Click Give access.
If the Google accounts dialog appears, you are not logged in to Gmail. Type in the user name and password, and log in to Gmail. Click Give access. Your Gmail companies will be displayed in Settings and maintenance.
The companies from Gmail will not be imported into the SuperOffice database yet. SuperOffice will only upload the company list from Gmail, so that you can specify the import settings.
Adjust the import
By default, all the columns with companies/contacts from the email application concerned (Outlook or Gmail) are linked to a SuperOffice field, but if you wish you can:
- Click a column heading and edit the SuperOffice field that the data in the column should be imported to.
- Click a column heading and select (None selected) if you do not wish to import the data in the column.
Click Configure import settings and adjust the import settings.
In the Consent comment field, enter a comment about why you are registering these contacts in SuperOffice (purpose) and how/where you obtained their consent
Click Next. The Preview import window will appear.
In Preview import you can browse through the import data before the import begins.
Icon Description The company does not exist and will be added. The company already exists and will be updated. The contact does not exist and will be added. The contact already exists and will be updated. empty No updating.
Many contacts are shown without an icon. Does this mean they will not be imported?
Rows without icons are not imported. If you see that many contacts are not being imported, this may be because they are not linked to a company. In that case, you can do one of the following:
If the contact is actually linked to a company, you return to the import source (Gmail, Outlook or Excel) and specify a company for the contact. Then start the import afresh.
If the contact is not linked to a company, but should be registered under their own name in SuperOffice, set up the person as a company:
- Click Previous and Configure import settings.
- Click the If no company name list under Contact.
- Select Create company using contact name.
- Click Save.
- Click Next, and check that the New company icon icon is displayed next to the contact. The person is registered as a company in SuperOffice CRM with themselves as the only contact.
Complete the import
When the import finishes, two lists are displayed:
- New companies and contacts that were imported.
- Existing companies and contacts that were changed as a result of the import.
Above each list is a link to the selection with the new/changed companies/contacts.
If you have imported new companies/contacts and there are problems with the imported data, you can open this selection in SuperOffice CRM and delete the new companies/contacts.