SuperOffice Mobile CRM - 10.0.2 update
Confirm swipe action on recurring meetings
Confirm swipe action added to canceled recurring meetings. Canceled recurring meetings are faster to confirm with a new swipe action feature added to SuperOffice Mobile CRM.
When you receive a cancellation notification, swipe to the left, and a tick option will appear. Simply click on the tick to confirm.
Multitasking on an iOS and iPadOS
Users of SuperOffice Mobile CRM installed on an iPad that supports multitasking will now be able to run the app together with other apps in a Split View. Split View allows you to display two apps on the screen in their own re-sizable panes.
Business card scanner supports QR Code Scanner
The business card scanner in the SuperOffice Mobile CRM app now supports QR Code scanning - making it even faster to scan and add a new contact.
Rank your web panels
WebPanels added to your SuperOffice Mobile CRM application via your SuperOffice Settings and Maintenance can now be ranked and chosen in a preferred order.
Choose icons for Web.Admin for web panels
Web.Admin for web panels now contains icons you can choose from for the web panels added to your SuperOffice Mobile CRM application.