End of life - Lotus Notes Link
This is a formal announcement of End of Life for our SuperOffice Lotus Notes Link. This feature has been available for Onsite customers only. We will end our support effectively from 01.01.2024.
What is Lotus Notes Link?
SuperOffice Mail Link is a plug-in that links the Lotus Notes mail client with SuperOffice CRM and/or SuperOffice Service. This means that among other things, you can:
- Archive emails and attachments to SuperOffice CRM.
- Archive an email as a document or a task in SuperOffice CRM.
- Archive an email as a request in SuperOffice Service.
- Search for the sender of an email.
- Set functions for default archiving.
- Use SuperOffice templates or predefined email body templates when creating emails.
- Update the information about companies and contacts in SuperOffice CRM based on emails you receive.
What does this mean for you as a customer?
You are recommended to switch to SuperOffice Inbox. The inbox in SuperOffice CRM is based on a separate email client, which gives you access to your email via the Internet, without requiring you to have an email program installed locally on your PC or MAC.
Reasons for announcing End of Life
The Lotus Notes mail client is no longer a commonly used mail client in today's market and thus rarely any of our customers are using it.
It is based on old and outdated technology that receives very few updates from its developer.
Security issues due to legacy libraries used in the software create a high business risk.