Released database changes in version
- Modify table CacheTables subKeyId
- Modify table ImportRelation foreignKey
- Remove table HeadingTemp
Step 18:
Clear out orphan person records (contact_id != 0, no such contact record exists), as well as email, phone, address and udef records that point to nonexistent parents
- Modify table person
- Modify table phone
Step 19:
Add fields and attributes to support the Soft Delete feature on person and contact tables
- Modify table Contact DeletedDate
- Modify table Person DeletedDate
Step 20:
Support Saint V2, with more entities and enable/disable
- Add table SaintConfiguration
- Modify table StatusDef generationStart, lastGenerated
Step 23:
Add UserName to Associate
- Modify table Associate userName
Step 26:
Minor update in ZipCity; update of preference descriptions; update of FI address layout; update of SuperOffice data for SW, DA, GE
Step 27:
Preference Description update with Service mappings and new rank/group fields; also cleanup of obsolete Counter preferences (#63450)
- Modify table PrefDesc rank, subGroup, minLevel
Step 28:
Add the Tags MDO list, a new Function Right to directly define tags, and assign that right to List and General admins
- Add table Tags
- Add table TagsGroupLink
- Add table TagsHeadingLink
Step 29:
Reload the CacheTabs table, to add new lists
Step 30:
It is now possible to turn off trailing-whitespace trimming of string fields in the database; and specify this and TimeZone processing in a generic manner
- Modify table appointment do_By, done, endDate, activeDate
- Modify table recurrenceRule startDate, endDate
- Modify table email_folder name
Step 31:
Preference descriptions for the R project
Step 32:
Transfer any password rules set in the now-obsolete preference System/PasswordPolicy into the password_rules table with id=1
Step 33:
Add 4 fields to DocTemplate table to support Email-templates and prime in 1 row in UdListDefinition table to declare Email templates as a list
- Modify table DocTmpl includeSignature, showCurrents, senderEmailMode, senderEmailAddress
Step 34:
Re-add the Tags MDO list in UdListDefinition table.
Step 35:
Preference descriptions for the R project
Step 36:
New classifier fields to enabled personalized and source-bound archive layouts
- Modify table SuperListColumnSize ownerTable, ownerRecord, group_id, configurationName
Step 37:
Preference descriptions for invitation support
Step 38:
Preference descriptions for invitation support and cleanup of UserPreference table
Step 39:
New preference: default appointment type for incoming invitations
Step 40:
This step has been made obsolete by later changes
Step 41:
This step has been made obsolete by later changes
Step 42:
Updated preferences, and translated name of functional right to create Tags
Step 43:
Updated ZipCity for Norway
Step 44:
Add a table to keep historical information related to deleted associates
- Add table AssociateHistory
Step 45:
Add a field snum to table document, and cautionWarning to appointment
- Modify table Document snum
- Modify table Appointment cautionWarning
Step 46:
Updated preferences
Step 47:
Update preferences priming; add a virtual field on person (dotsyntax); populate the new Main Contact field on all contact records
- Modify table person emailBounceCount
- Modify table contact
Step 48:
Add fields for language and sentiment to ej_message; Update preferences priming: move the EmailBounceThreshold preference from the System section to the Mail section
- Modify table ej_message language, sentiment, sentimentConfidence
Step 49:
Add fields for language and sentiment to ej_message; Update preferences priming: move the EmailBounceThreshold preference from the System section to the Mail section
- Modify table ej_message suggestedCategory_id
Step 50:
Fix inconsistent Main Contact (supportPersonId) after bug in Sales.Web GUI
Step 51:
Add a virtual field on contact (dotsyntax)
- Modify table contact emailBounceCount
Step 52:
Add 1 field to DocTemplate table to support Invitation type templates
- Modify table DocTmpl invitationDocType, privacyDocType
Step 53:
Update Red Letter Days, table is overwritten, adding Red days for 2005-2030 for 23 countries
Step 54:
Add a virtual field on person and contact (dotsyntax): emailLastBounce
- Modify table contact emailLastBounce
- Modify table person emailLastBounce
Step 55:
Reset bounceCount and lastBounce on the Email table for rows where lastBounce is before the start of year 2020
Step 56:
Remove several sections and some individual preferences, that were only relevant to the Windows client. Remove never-used fields in searchcriterionvalue and replace with a string field for valueType
- Modify table searchcriterionvalue valueType, valueDataType
- Modify table searchcriterionvalue valueType
Step 57:
Add TimeSpan=Minutes markers to relevant fields on the ticket, ej_message, invoice and ticket_priority tables; controls behaviour in Archives including Selection
- Modify table ticket
- Modify table ej_message time_spent, time_charge
- Modify table invoice time_charged
- Modify table ticket_priority deadline
- Modify table ticket_status_history timespan, real_timespan
- Modify table appointment done, do_by, activeDate, endDate
- Modify table text updatedCount
Step 58:
Update SOCompany information for new Online databases based on what is in the template and what data is wanted spring 2020
Step 60:
Add mother_associate_id to appointments to optimize logic that depends on the owner of the mother appointment
- Modify table appointment mother_associate_id
Step 61:
Add soundex field to freetext words table to enable soundex searching
- Modify table freetextwords word, soundEx
- Modify table freetextindex contact_id
Step 62:
New preference for disabling Image editor in Unlayer mailings editor
Step 63:
New functional right for hiding Service and Mailings button and screen
Step 64:
New preference for invitations, no tentative appointments for others
Step 65:
New preference for mailing, disable image library for royalty-free images
Step 66:
Add starting 0 to german zipcodes where it missed. Update N_List for US, remove duplicate MrMrs.
Step 67:
, Remove duplicate of LowerLimitsaletypecat, new preference for mailing, disable image library for royalty-free images, translations
Step 68:
New preference for document dialog in SOFO (and possible later OML, GmailLink and WEB)
Step 69:
Update some languageinfo and languageinfocountry for correct detecting of language for GDPR confirmation mail. Update RedLetterDay and SOCompany address for Germany. Add a zipcode for DK: Orø. Set group for quote documents for new dbs.
Step 70:
Added filename field to BatchTask table to be used by ExportArchiveBatchTask.
- Modify table BatchTask FileName
Step 71:
New preference for Mailing, DisableFormsPoweredBy. Rename Mailing header to Marketing. Some fixes of quotes to single quotes.
Step 72:
New field in Document-table for URL to external documents. Should be used internally by DocPlugins only!
- Modify table document ExtUrl
Step 73:
Turn on freetext index in online.
Step 74:
- Add table CacheInvalidation
Step 75:
New preference: disable export of tile data
Step 76:
Cleanup LocaleText - Reinsert all data
Step 77:
Cleanup Prefdesc and prefdescline: Only partner-added rows are left, all SuperOffice-maintained preferences are now described in code
Step 78:
Updated ZipToCity for Norway and Sweden
Step 79:
New complete LocaleText - with new ticket notifications
Step 80:
LocaleText - with LanguageRows for detection of supported GUI languages
Step 81:
Add functional right 'Lock / Unlock Target Assignment'
Step 82:
Index names for extrafields need to be as the Service code creates them; SDB import did not conform. This step will locate and rename any wrongly-named physical indexes (only applicable to databases that have been SDB-imported). There was also another bug where index-creation logic for extrafields was inverted, such that a field would get an index when it should not have, and vice versa. This is also corrected, both ways.
Step 83:
Historically, extra-fields of type 'long text' where 'ntext' in Sql Server. This data type is obsolete and such steps will be converted to 'nvarchar(max)', though without reallocating storage space as that might take a long time depending on the amount of data
Step 84:
Update translations for functional right 'Can lock and unlock target assignment'
- Modify table chat_topic
- Modify table chat_topic_user can_respond, notifications, can_listen, manager
- Modify table chat_session name, company_name, email, phone, first_message, last_message, flags
- Modify table chat_message created_by
- Modify table ejuser chat_status
Step 2:
- Modify table chat_topic widget_language
- Modify table cust_lang iso_code
Step 3:
- Modify table chat_session project_id, sale_id, ticket_id, contact_id, transfer_to
- Modify table config feature_toggle
Step 4:
- Modify table login_customer created_at
- Add table quick_reply
Step 6:
- Modify table chat_session consented
Step 7:
- Modify table chat_topic
Step 8:
Adding field for using a custom message in the chat widget queue message
- Modify table chat_topic custom_queue_text
Step 9:
Add CS language to chat_session table. Specify displayField to chat_topic table.
- Modify table chat_session
- Modify table chat_topic
Step 10:
Add index on the chat_session table, to optimize the 'anything happening now?' requests that come in every 15 seconds, per service rep
- Modify table chat_session
Step 11:
- Modify table chat_topic flags
Step 12:
- Modify table chat_session status
- Modify table chat_message type, special_type
Step 13:
- Modify table chat_topic bot_enabled, bot_name, bot_register_trigger_id, bot_newsession_trigger_id, bot_statechange_trigger_id, bot_newmessage_trigger_id
- Modify table chat_session chatbot_isactive
Step 14:
- Modify table chat_topic bot_register_trigger_id, bot_newsession_trigger_id, bot_statechange_trigger_id, bot_newmessage_trigger_id, bot_register_scriptid, bot_session_created_scriptid, bot_session_changed_scriptid, bot_message_received_scriptid
Step 15:
Add fields for setting lunch hours on a chat topic.
- Modify table chat_topic use_lunch_hours, lunch_start, lunch_stop
Step 16:
Add more fields to chat_topic for agent use firstname.
- Modify table chat_topic widget_agent_use_firstname
Step 17:
Add suport for country in chat_session.
- Modify table chat_session country
Step 18:
Add notification interval for new chat messages in chat_topic.
- Modify table chat_topic warning_chat_message, manager_warning_chat_message
Step 19:
Add fields for enabling offline form capabilites when customer is in chat queue.
- Modify table chat_topic offline_form_time_limit, offline_form_queue_length
Step 20:
Add fields for support rating of a chat session.
- Modify table chat_topic widget_enable_rating, widget_rating_text
- Modify table chat_session rating
This table will contain deltas for configurable screens to add and remove from recipes in SCIL
- Add table ConfigurableScreenDelta
Step 2:
Added state enum for draft and published state for the json recipe deltas
- Modify table ConfigurableScreenDelta deltaState
Step 3:
Clear out all rows in SystemEvent, in preparation for a unique index to be defined
Step 4:
Create unique index on SystemEvent, to support multi-user-safe event locking
- Modify table SystemEvent
- Modify table category family_id
Step 6:
- Modify table Category family_id
- Remove table consent_person
- Remove table consent_purpose
- Remove table ConsentSource
- Remove table LegalBase
- Remove table category_family
- Add table ConsentPurpose
- Add table LegalBase
- Add table ConsentSource
- Add table ConsentPerson
- Add table CategoryFamily
- Modify table DocTmpl privacyDocType, emailSubject
- Modify table Category CategoryFamily_id
Step 7:
- Modify table outbox rfc822_content
Step 10:
- Modify table ConsentPerson
Step 11:
- Modify table ConsentPerson
- Modify table ConsentPerson
- Modify table ShipmentTypeReservation
- Modify table ConsentPurpose
- Modify table ConsentSource
- Modify table LegalBase
- Modify table ShipmentType
Step 12:
- Modify table ErpConnection ConsentSourceId, LegalBaseId
Step 13:
- Modify table ErpConnection ConsentSourceId, LegalBaseId
Step 14:
Set the #STORE consent on all person records that do not already have it; we assume that all persons in the customers database are there for a legitimate reason
Step 16:
As we now set the #STORE consent on all person records that do not already have it, we also set a default consent and legal base for new persons, thus we set the Default legal base preference.
Step 22:
Remove confirmation mail links for consent sources where SuperOffice does not send privacy confirmation email by design.
Step 23:
Update document template to sync emailmode with privacytype
- Add table script_trace
- Add table script_trace_run
- Modify table screen_chooser description, enabled
Step 2:
- Modify table ejscript extra_menus_id
Step 3:
- Modify table ejscript unique_identifier, registered, registered_associate_id, updated, updated_associate_id, updatedCount
- Modify table screen_chooser unique_identifier, registered, registered_associate_id, updated, updated_associate_id, updatedCount
Step 4:
Flag unique_identfier fields that they should be auto-populated with a GUID on creation; and populate existing rows with GUID's
- Modify table ejscript unique_identifier
- Modify table screen_chooser unique_identifier
Step 5:
Create unique indexes for GUID identifiers
- Modify table ejscript unique_identifier
- Modify table screen_chooser unique_identifier
Step 6:
New flag field in screen_definition: autosave
- Modify table screen_definition autosave
Step 7:
Fix triggers with screen_type = 130. Set to 113 and disable.
- Modify table ticket from_address
Step 3:
- Modify table s_message long_description
Step 4:
- Modify table ticket_status status
- Modify table ticket_priority status, flags, ticket_read, changed_owner, ticket_newinfo, ticket_closed, ticket_changed_priority, ticket_new
- Modify table ej_category delegate_method, closing_status, msg_closing_status, flags
Step 5:
- Modify table ticket status, slevel, origin, read_status
- Modify table ticket_status status
Step 6:
- Modify table ej_message slevel, type, message_category
Step 7:
Adding a field to ej_message, allowing the user to filter and view only important messages
- Modify table ej_message important
Step 8:
Add a ForeignKeyArray field to the ticket table as the first entity to use Tags; and add a contact_id to start off that project
- Modify table Ticket tags, contact_id
Step 9:
Transfer mobile phone from ticket to person if no phone on person
Step 10:
Set ticket.contact_id to be consistent with ticket.cust_id.contact_id; and copy the person classifiers (associate_id, group_id, business_idx, category_idx) from contact to person unless person.contact_id = 0
Step 11:
Add flags to s_list_element table.
- Modify table s_list_element status
Step 12:
Create new table, attachment_location, to be able to store attachments in multiple locations
- Add table attachment_location
- Modify table attachment attachment_location_id
Step 13:
Create and enable password rules if they have not been changed from the default
Step 14:
Add field for storing Mailgun DSN setting for each mailbox
- Modify table mail_in_filter mailgun_dsn
Step 15:
Add sentiment and language values to ticket table. Add index on ej_message.created_at
- Modify table ej_message
- Modify table ticket language, sentiment, sentimentConfidence
Step 16:
Move ej_message.suggestedCategory_id to the ticket table. Add ticket.orig_human_category_id
- Modify table ej_message suggestedCategory_id
- Modify table ticket suggestedCategory_id, origHumanCategory_id
Step 17:
Add details clob to ticket_log_action table for JSON logging
Step 18:
Change type of mail_in_filter.server_type to a defined enum called MailboxType
- Modify table mail_in_filter server_type
Step 19:
Stage 1 of 3: Introduce proper ForeignKey fields for ej_category: closing_status and msg_closing_status, and populate them
- Modify table ej_category closing_status_temp, msg_closing_status_temp
Step 20:
Stage 2 of 3: Drop old fields for ej_category: closing_status and msg_closing_status
- Modify table ej_category closing_status, msg_closing_status
Step 21:
Stage 3 of 3: Rename new fields for ej_category: closing_status_temp and msg_closing_status_temp to original names
- Modify table ej_category closing_status_temp, msg_closing_status_temp
Step 22:
Add fields for enabling/disabling AI operations on a Service mailbox
- Modify table mail_in_filter ai_suggest_category, ai_text_analysis
Step 23:
Change ticket notification expiry from 10 minutes to 24 hours
Step 24:
Add support for setting tags on email filter
- Modify table ms_filter new_tags
Step 25:
Add field for setting an URL on custom notifications
- Modify table notify custom_url
Step 26:
Increase the length of the field inbox.uidl
- Modify table inbox uidl
Create new table for storing customer center styling and configuration options
- Add table cust_config
Step 2:
Prime in default Customer Center Config
Add tables for Dashboard V2, these will store info about dashboards and dashboard tiles
- Add table dashboard
- Add table dashboard_theme
- Add table dashboard_tile_definition
- Add table dashboard_tile
- Add table dashboard_tile_field
Step 2:
Add rank to tiles
- Modify table dashboard_tile rank
Step 3:
Add selection foreign key, currency and more to tile definition
- Modify table dashboard_tile_definition selection_id, currency_id, currency_mode, sort_by, measure, measure_field
Step 4:
Add visible for, pinning, and more
- Modify table dashboard_tile_definition secondary_selection_id, layout_config, entity_name
- Modify table dashboard visible_for_all, visible_for_associates, visible_for_groups, pin_for_all, pin_for_associates, pin_for_groups
Step 5:
Add rank to DashboardTheme
- Modify table dashboard_theme rank
Step 6:
Add functional right
Step 7:
Remove fulltext indexing generated by the FkArray datatype. FT indexing is good for large tables, but is asynchronous and that creates some headaches
- Modify table dashboard
Step 8:
Add columns to dashboard
- Modify table dashboard columns
Step 9:
Add measure_by_field column to dashboard
- Modify table dashboard_tile_definition measure_by_field
Step 10:
Add dashboard_tile_definition_id foreign key to selection
- Modify table selection dashboard_tile_definition_id
Step 11:
Add client column to dashboard_theme table
- Modify table dashboard_theme client
Step 12:
Prime default data
- Modify table dashboard_theme isBuiltIn
- Modify table dashboard guid
Step 13:
Add currency_code to DashboardTileDefinition
- Modify table dashboard_tile_definition currency_id, currency_code
Step 14:
Set the required attributes to activate Sentry functionality on dashboard, dashboard_tile and dashboard_tile_definition. Update DashboardTheme with new font colors for dark themes.
- Modify table dashboard
- Modify table dashboard_tile
- Modify table dashboard_tile_definition
Step 15:
Update dashboard theme data with fixed IDs
Step 16:
Generate Dataright rows for the new Dashboard, in the data right matrix in Admin
Step 17:
Add 'style' to DashTheme
- Modify table dashboard_theme style
Step 18:
Update big number colors in dark mode for built-in dashboard themes
Step 19:
Update DashboardTileDefinition with information about where it can be used
- Modify table dashboard_tile_definition usage
Step 20:
Update colors for stalled and open sales in dashboards.
- Add table form
- Add table form_submission
Step 2:
- Modify table form active, expires, maxSubmits
Step 3:
- Modify table form type
Step 4:
- Modify table form recipe
Step 5:
- Modify table form_submission is_submitted
Step 6:
- Modify table form_submission is_submitted, status, processing_log
Step 7:
- Modify table form group_id
Step 8:
- Modify table ticket form_submission_id
Step 9:
- Modify table form form_key
Step 10:
Create new field to be able to filter out forms that are used to creating tickets
- Modify table form new_ticket
- Add table email_account
- Add table email_folder
- Add table service_auth
- Add table email_item
Step 2:
- Modify table email_item
Step 3:
- Modify table email_item replied_at, in_reply_to, messageId
- Modify table email_account default
Step 4:
- Modify table email_account account_status
- Modify table email_item cc
- Modify table service_auth associate_id, auth_status
Step 5:
- Modify table timestamps mailsync
Step 6:
- Modify table email_account email_address
- Modify table email_folder account_id
Step 7:
- Modify table email_account encryptedCheck, associate_id, incoming_auth, outgoing_auth
- Modify table service_auth encryptedCheck, associate_id, server, port, auth_type, username, password
Step 8:
- Modify table email_account error_count, error_reason
- Modify table email_item
- Add table email_attachment
Step 9:
- Modify table email_folder folder_separator
Step 10:
- Modify table email_item cal_data
Step 11:
Ensure all email-IDs used as foreignkeys in the foreignkey-table are enclosed in tags. Update all rows as needed, in one operation
Adds support for invitations (iCal) leading to appointments
- Add table invitation
- Modify table email appointment_id
Step 2:
Allows for storage of the organizer's email and full name in the table; Adds support for recurring invitations.
- Modify table invitation organizer_email, organizer_fullname, recurring_end_date
Step 3:
Set preference "Diary sync active" if Infobridge synchronizer seem to be in use.
Step 4:
Adds support for modifications of single appointments in a recurring series.
- Modify table invitation recurring_start_date
- Modify table erpexternalkey
Step 5:
Adds better support for modifications of single appointments in a recurring series.
- Modify table appointment original_start_date
Adding field to store the document mailing recipient sort order
- Modify table s_shipment sorting
Step 2:
Add fields for storing the design of a mailing message and mailing design type
- Modify table s_message design, designtype
- Add table s_messageblock
- Modify table s_message flags
Step 3:
Remove the old SOEditor mailing templates for new Online installations
Step 4:
Change type of S_Shipment.Status to a defined enum called ShipmentStatus and change type of (S_Link_Customer/S_Link_Customer_Statical).LinkType to ShipmentLinkType.
- Modify table s_shipment status
- Modify table s_link_customer link_type
- Modify table s_link_customer_statical link_type
Step 5:
Add field for storing foreign key to form_submission in s_shipment_addr. This is used to connect a mailing recipient with a form_submission, to be used to populate the parser.
- Modify table s_shipment_addr form_submission_id
Step 6:
Add two new fields so s_shipment_addr and Email for storing bounce code and bounce reason as separate fields.
- Modify table s_shipment_addr bounce_code, bounce_reasontag, cleaned
- Modify table Email lastBounceCode, lastBounceReason
Step 7:
Add fields to s_shipment for cached statistical values
- Modify table s_shipment
- Modify table s_link_customer_statical
- Modify table s_link_customer
- Modify table s_shipment_addr
Step 8:
Remove are_statistics_dirty from s_shipment, we want it to be NOT NULL with a DEFAULT (see next step)
- Modify table s_shipment are_statistics_dirty
Step 9:
Add are_statistics_dirty to s_shipment, with a NOT NULL and a DEFAULT of 1 (true)
- Modify table s_shipment are_statistics_dirty
The typical search table is an owner of a set of predefined selection criteria
Step 2:
Cleanup after initial (obsolete) table definition
- Remove table TypicalSearch
Step 3:
Define the TypicalSearch table from scratch
- Add table TypicalSearch
Step 4:
Cleanup 'temporary selection' marking by introducing the IsTemporary field
- Modify table selection SystemType
Step 5:
Add fields to table selection for more functionality. Also update the default sidepanel view for all pages, in userpreference
- Modify table selection chartKey, lastLoaded, lastLoadedBy, lastMembershipChange, lastMembershipChangeBy
Step 6:
SelectionForFind creates a dynamic selection for each entity/associate as needed; they were missing the required VisibleFor row; those are added here
Step 7:
Update targetTableNumber to 5 where it was 0, and reset membercounts to -1 where we have no recent data
Step 8:
Due to limitations in the Windows code stack, the chartKey field is shortened to 254 characters
- Modify table selection chartKey
Add table OnlineApp, to echo information about authorizations and usage. Optimize indexes for userpreference table, based on Ops data
- Add table OnlineApp
- Modify table userpreference
- Modify table userpreference
- Modify table TravelTransactionLog
- Modify table ForeignKey
Step 2:
Deleting obsolete counter-preferences
- Add table PushNotificationService
Step 2:
- Modify table PushNotificationService Language
Step 3:
- Modify table PushNotificationService PocketVersion, OSVersion
Step 5:
Adding rank field to favourites
- Modify table Favourite Rank
Step 6:
Add TimeZoneId field to PushNotificationService, so notifications can use the recipients preferred timezone
- Modify table PushNotificationService TimeZoneId
Add field for storing flags on a service login session
- Modify table login flags
Step 2:
Change value of registry entry for maximum width of components
Step 3:
Make sure the row with id=1 in ejuser contains the '(System)' user
- Add table MailingType
- Add table MailingTypeReservation
- Modify table s_shipment mailingtype_id
Step 3:
- Add table TemporaryKey
Step 5:
- Modify table MailingTypeReservation MailingType_id
- Modify table s_shipment mailingtype_id
- Rename table MailingType to ShipmentType
- Modify table ShipmentType MailingType_id
- Rename table MailingTypeReservation to ShipmentTypeReservation
- Modify table ShipmentTypeReservation MailingTypeReservation_id, MailingType_id
- Modify table s_shipment mailingtype_id
Step 6:
- Modify table ShipmentTypeReservation
- Modify table associate waiting_for_approval
Step 2:
- Modify table associate waiting_for_approval
Step 3:
- Modify table associate waiting_for_approval
Add tables for Targets (Sales, Project, Selection....
Step 2:
Some further normalization
- Remove table target_group
- Remove table target_period
- Remove table target_period_assignment
- Add table target_group
- Add table target_period
- Add table target_assignment_info
- Add table target_assignment_value
Step 3:
Generate Dataright rows for Targets, in the data right matrix in Admin
Step 4:
Add tables for Targets revision history
- Add table target_revision_history
- Add table target_revision
- Add table target_change
Step 5:
Support larger values than 2 billion and log more revision details
- Modify table target_revision_history target_assignment_info_id, target_group_id
- Modify table target_assignment_value target_value2
- Modify table target_change value_change_from2, value_change_to2
Step 6:
Remove old value fields
- Modify table target_assignment_value target_value, target_value2
- Modify table target_change value_change_from, value_change_to, value_change_from2, value_change_to2
The Webhook table keeps track of the Target_URL where we will dispatch HTTP POST notificationsof events that happen in SuperOffice. The webhook state should be ACTIVE(1). If too many errors are received when we try to POST to the TargetUrl, then the webhook state is changed to TOO-MANY-ERRORS(3).
- Add table Webhook
Step 2:
The Webhook_usage table keeps track of How many calls/errors a webhook has encountered. Moved off the main Webhook table to avoid disturbing Webhook cache.
- Add table Webhook_usage
Step 3:
Remove the old usage fields from the webhooks table after the usage has been copied to the new webhook_usage table.
- Modify table Webhook total_calls, total_errors, consecutive_errors, last_error