Merge process
While the system supports modifying configuration files copied directly from the application into a custom path folder, it's generally cleaner to instead use merge files.
Merge files have a .merge file extension and make it easy to add, remove or replace configuration elements without touching the original application files.
Regardless of approach, it's important to know how to target a specific location in a configuration file so that the customization appears in the application where it is expected.
Elements use one or more attributes to ensure that elements with identical tags have a unique identity, which is important to resolve which element is affected.
The following table maps which element relies on which identifiers to ensure uniqueness.
Parent | Element | Identifier | File(s) |
pages** | page | id | SoApplicationConfiguration |
currents | current | id | SoApplicationConfiguration |
jsincludes | jsinclude | path | SoApplicationConfiguration |
cssincludes | cssinclude | path | SoApplicationConfiguration |
consts | const | id | SoApplicationConfiguration |
pages | page | id | So[abc]Page |
archives | archive | providername, guiname | SoArchiveColumnList |
linkinfos | linkinfo | type, subtype | SoArchiveControlLinkInfoTypes |
filters** | filter | name | SoFilterList |
menus** | menu | context, subcontext | SoMenuConfiguration |
objects | object | mappingname | SoObjectMapping |
** Elements type appear in more than one configuration file.
Merge actions
A mergeaction attribute is used to determine which element to process. The following table lists what actions are available.
Insert is the default behavior when no mergeaction
attribute is specified.
Command | Description |
insert | inserts the section (default) |
replace | replaces the section with the same ID value |
remove | removes the section. |
Example 1
The following snippet demonstrates how to add a new page to the application configuration pages collection using an SoApplicationConfiguration.merge file.
<page id="CustomPage" type="mainpage" mergeaction="insert"/>
Example 2
This example will replace the controlgroup maingroup_2
in the page named Contact.
<page id="ContactPage">
<panel id="Contact">
<card id="ContactMainCard">
<view id="MainView">
<controlgroup id="maingroup_2" mergeaction="replace"
type="SoControlGroup" position="absolute"
top="58px" width="42%" right="20px"
<control id="miniImage" type="SoImage">
Not all elements are based on ID alone, so remember to use the correct element/identifier when applying changes.