SoProtocol entity targets
Version: 10.3.13
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Entity-specific navigation points are used to navigate to a specific entity in the SuperOffice CRM client. The following table lists the entity-specific navigation points.
Entity | target name | Upper Tab Views | Lower Tab Views |
Chat | chat | main | - |
Company | contact | main, udef, interest, info | personarchive, relationarchive, projectarchive, activityarchive, salearchive, ticketarchive |
Contact | person | main, details, udef, interest, info | projectarchive, relationarchive, activityarchive, salearchive, ticketarchive |
Diary | diary | day, week, month, view | activityarchive, diarysalearchive |
Inbox | newinbox | main | - |
Marketing | emarketing | mailings, mmlisttemplates, mmlistlinks, mmlistimages, mmlistbounces, mmlistforms, mmlistformtemplates, mmlistformsubmissions | - |
Project | project | main, udef, info, image, links | guide, projectmembersarchive, activityarchive, salearchive, ticketarchive |
Requests | ticket | main, findticket | - |
Sale | sale | main, details, udef, links, info | guide, quote, saleactivityarchive, stakeholderarchive, ticketarchive |
Selection | selectionsearch | main, findpane, detailspane, newchartspane, selmailingspane, webpanelpane | - |
Appointment Dialog | appointment | main, details, status, links, udef | - |
Document Dialog | document | main, links, more | - |
Invitations Dialog | invitations | archive, main | - |
Custom object (pilot) | customobject?customobject_name= | - | - |
Minicard addresses
The following minicard addresses are available:
- minicontact
- miniperson
- miniday
- minimonth
- minifavourites
- mininextday
- mininotepad
- minipreview
- miniproject
- miniprojectmembers
- minisale
- miniselection
- miniselectionmembers
- miniweek
To go to the contact screen, select the main details and select the person grid
To go to the contact screen, select the interests tab, and select the project grid in the lower tab view, and view the company information in the minicard view.
To go to the diary and view the day tab: