URL parameters
URL parameters let you control SuperOffice Service using simple HTTP commands. These commands are similar to a REST API. However, they return a full HTML user interface, not JSON or XML as REST would return.
For example, this URL will open a list of tickets for the current user:
URL structure
The 1st component is the site address, including customer ID and the CS sub-directory. For example: https://sod.superoffice.com/CustXXXXX/CS/
The 2nd component is the endpoint, specifying which program to run:
- blogic.exe
- customer.exe
- ticket.exe
- document.exe
- rms.exe
- stat.exe
3rd and last is the query string, specifying an action and possibly a list of parameters. Multiple parameters are separated with an ampersand &
For example, action=listTickets
or action=doScript&id=123
Action | Parameters |
doScript | id - The ID of the script includeId - The include ID of the script |
editScript | Same as doScript |
doScreenDefintion | id - The ID of the screen idString - the ID string of the screen |
editScreenDefinition | Same as doScreenDefintion |
You must set exactly 1 parameter for blogic actions. For scripts, use either id or includeId. For screens, use id or idString. Don't supply both!
Action | Parameters |
register | |
newTicket | |
listTicket | ticketId |
listTickets | pageSize - The number of tickets per page |
addMessage | ticketId |
changeCust | |
safeParse | includeId - The ID string of the script key - The authentication key |
specialForm | template - The name of the template to use |
Global parameters common to all customer actions:
- custSessionKey
- noCookies
- templateFolder
- withFrame=1 or withFrame=0
The key must be the same as set in the script!
Action | Parameters |
listTicket | ticketId - The ticket to open |
listTickets | |
newTicket | custId - The customer to connect the ticket to |
editTicket | ticketId - The ticket to edit |
listTicketLog2 | ticketId |
doScreenDefinition | id - The ID of the screen idString - the ID string of the screen |
viewTableEntry | table extraTable id |
editTableEntry | |
searchTable | table selectionIncludeId - the ID string of a selection selection - the ID of a selection |
mainMenu | |
editCompany | id |
editCustomer | id |
splitTicket | ticketId |
splitMessage | messageId |
You must set exactly 1 parameter for screen definitions. Use either id or idString - don't supply both!
Action | Parameters |
find | |
listFolders | focus expandId |
editDocument | documentId folderId |
editKbCategory | parentId id |
editKbEntry | categoryId id |
viewKbEntry | id |
Action | Parameters |
getAttachment | Use Attachment.getDownloadUrl to construct a valid query string |
debug |
Action | Parameters |
mainMenu | |
simpleStat | |
invoiceStat | |
newStatChooser | |
viewStat | documentId |