Related dropdowns
This element is useful where the options in one drop-down menu depend on the value in another menu.
A typical scenario is the selection of fields in related extra tables.
If the drop-down menus are populated by values from different tables, the IDs will probably be the same in both tables. Therefore, the IDs of the nodes must have a prefix to insure that they are unique in all drop-downs.
Setting | Description |
label | The UI label of the set |
labels.n.label | The UI label of the nth list |
labels.length | The number of labels |
notEmptyDropdown | The last menu that can't be empty. Numbering starts at 0 |
printDownwards | How to list drop-down menus true = list one per row false = list all in one row |
selectFromTree | Whether to show drop-down menus as a tree chooser (Bool) |
Setting selectFromTree = true
turns on tree mode and printDownwards, labels.length, and labels.n.length are ignored.
label = Related
labels.0.label = Ticket
labels.1.label = Customer
labels.2.label = Email
labels.length = 3
notEmptyDropdown = 0
printDownwards = true
selectFromTree = false
label = Related
notEmptyDropdown = 0
selectFromTree = true
Creation script
HtmlElement e;
Map m;
SearchEngine se;
se.addCriteria("ticket.status", "OperatorLt", "4", "OperatorAnd", 0);
se.addOrder("", true);
for (se.execute(); !se.eof(); {
m.insert("id", se.getField(0));
m.insert("value", se.getField(1));
m.insert("isFolder", "0");
e.setFieldValue("addNode", m);
Then you repeat the query and loop for each additional list. To complete the example with customer and email, you can use these queries:
SearchEngine cust;
cust.addCriteria("ticket_customers.ticket_id.status", "OperatorLt", "4", "OperatorAnd", 0);
SearchEngine email;
getFieldValue(String field)
Returns all IDs of the resulting drop-down menus in a comma-separated string.
setFieldValue(String action, Map values)
Action | Map keys | Description |
addNode | id parent value isFolder |
Adds node to the drop-down. If parent is set, place node in the menu to the right of the parent If no parent, place node in the 1st menu |
addLabel | label | |
set | notEmptyDropdown printDownwards |
Map map;
map.insert("notEmptyDropdown", "0");
map.insert("printDownwards", "true");
e.setFieldValue("set", map);
Returns all IDs of the resulting drop-down menus in a comma-separated string.