Edit privacy confirmation email
According to the GDPR, individuals have the "right to be informed". This means that they are entitled to be notified either in advance or within 30 days after that their personal details have been collected. The GDPR stipulates that individuals are entitled to be informed (a) that an organization intends to store their personal data, and (b) what the organization intends to use their data for.
You can create and add as many privacy confirmation emails as you need. You can also add the same email template in as many languages as you need.
The privacy confirmation email template is an email template, which is created and edited in a similar way as document templates.
Edit the default template
Go to Settings and maintenance.
Click Lists. Locate the Email template list and the template "Confirmation - Contact added".
Double click to open the Edit list item dialog where you can change the name, description and so on.
Click Edit to open the HTML editor where you can change the email content. When you are finished editing, click Save.
Click Save again to return to the Email template list.
The new edited version is now ready and can be used immediately.