Set up privacy settings for GDPR - Add purpose
Watch this video and find out how to add and edit purposes for processing personal data, activate default settings for the Legal Basis, and activate the E-marketing privacy settings in mailings (video length - 4:59):
Go to Settings and maintenance and click the Privacy button in the Navigator ().
Click Add below the list of purposes.
In the Add purpose dialog, edit the following fields:
Purpose name: Enter a descriptive name for the purpose. It should be easy to understand and unambiguous.
Description: Enter a short description and privacy statement for the customers, explaining why you are asking for their consent and what the information will be used for.
Purpose ID: An ID is automatically generated from the name of the purpose, but you can edit the ID later. Please note that some IDs are reserved.
Active: Used to activate this purpose and make it visible to users.
External privacy statement: The name/title of the privacy statement link. This text is used on a web page where customers can manage their subscriptions.
External privacy statement URL: The URL/link to the web page for the privacy statement.
Approval text: Enter the text that the customers must click to give their consent. Examples: "I accept these terms" or "Yes, sign me up ...".
External description in Customer Centre: Enter the description text for this purpose to be displayed in Customer Centre. The text should contain:
- Why you need to store/process the customer's data
- Which data you are storing/processing
- Confirmation the data will not be shared with other parties and is stored securely
- Information about how they can change or withdraw consent at any time
Click next to a field to add new or edit existing translations of the field texts.
Click Save when you are done.