Select an image for a status
Activity monitors require a Sales Premium or Service Premium user plan. For older, on-premise versions of SuperOffice, a separate Sales Intelligence license is needed.
You can select an image to be displayed in SuperOffice CRM on a company card, contact card or project card that fulfils the criteria set for a specific status. The images are displayed as watermarks, so as not to hide the contents of the card.
Adding an image is a good idea as it draws attention and prompts you to take action, every time you come across a company (contact or project) that has this specific status. Use an image that symbolically illustrates the type of action you need to take.
Is it a requirement to have an image?
No. If you just want to use status monitors to search for and create selections of companies, contacts or projects that fulfil the status criteria, you do not need to assign an image to the statuses.
What sort of images can I use?
The image you choose should represent pictorially the status it stands for. The status image for a project that has been inactive for a long time could, for example, be a spider's web.
You can use files of the following types: .jpg, .png, .gif and .png.
We recommend that you use an image size of 130 x 180 pixels. If the image is bigger than that, it is cropped on the bottom and the right edge.
The images are used as watermarks for the company card, contact card or project card in SuperOffice CRM. The transparency is 40 percent, so that the image does not obscure the text. You should nonetheless use images with relatively light colors.
To select an image for the status
Open the SAINT screen and select the Company, Contact, or Project tab.
Select the required status in the status list on the left of the screen.
Check Visualize (on the right side of the screen) to display the status image for companies, contacts or projects that fulfil the status criteria for this status. If Visualize is unchecked, status images will not be displayed in SuperOffice CRM for this status. This may be relevant if you only want to use a status to search in SuperOffice CRM (see below).
Click Change image.
Select image. Do one of the following:
Click one of the images shown under Images (on the right).
Images are displayed only if they are added to the database.
Click Add, click Upload file, browse to the image you require and click Open. Enter a description of the image. Click Save.
Click OK to close the dialog. The image is added to the database and displayed in the field on the right.
Using statuses for search
In SuperOffice CRM you have the option of searching for companies, contacts or projects using statuses that you define in Settings and maintenance. For example, you can search for companies with a specific status and add them to a selection.
If you only want to use statuses for searching, you can uncheck Visualize, so that the status image is not shown on the company card, contact card or project card.