Use document templates in multiple languages in the project and sales guides
If your company has divisions in several countries, it may be useful to have the document templates in the project and sales guides available in several languages. First, you must place the document templates for the different languages in the correct folders, and then specify who is to use the different language versions.
Add document templates for languages
Open Windows Explorer and go to the \SuperOffice\SO_Arc\Template folder.
Create a folder for each of the languages you want document templates for (see the following table). For example, \SuperOffice\SO_Arc\Template\GE.
Place document templates for the different languages in the appropriate language folders. Each document template must have exactly the same file name and file type as the main template. The main template is the document template in the main language you use in SuperOffice. You will find it in the Document template list in the Lists screen (double-click a document template in the list to see the file name/type).
If the document template for the language in question is NOT in the language folder, the document template in the main language is used.
Folder names for the different languages
ID | Language |
NO | Norwegian |
SP | Spanish |
US | English |
CZ | Czech |
SW | Swedish |
CN | Chinese |
DA | Danish |
JP | Japanese |
GE | German |
FI | Finnish |
NL | Dutch |
RU | Russian |
FR | French |
PL | Polish |
IT | Italian |
Specify document languages for users
You now need to select the correct document languages for the users who are going to use the document templates in the different languages:
Open the Preferences screen, select System from the View group list box and select Preferred document language.
Click Add under the Active settings list.
Select User under This setting will apply to.
If the divisions are using satellite databases, you can choose to specify document languages for databases. You can also select document languages for groups, but in that case, the group in question must be the primary group of the users you are setting the document language for.
Click the Target list and select the required user.
Select the language you require in the Preferred document language list.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2-6 for each user you want to set the document language for.
Related topics
- All template variables - Reference