The Status screen
Updated information about the system is displayed in the Status screen. The Status screen is divided into the following main sections:
Shows the database owner, serial number and type, which are specified on installation. It also shows if it is a central database or a satellite database. You can see the next expiry date (when the licence needs to be renewed) and the name of the user currently logged in.
Table admin: Local database user: Specify the user name and password of the database user (it does not have to be a SuperOffice CRM user) which will automatically be used by the system to create and delete database tables. This user does not need to have any other rights.
For Oracle databases, this must be the same user who owns the tables, and who is used as a prefix in SuperOffice.ini.
Shows how many users are currently logged in, when the last prototype was generated, and the number of active Travel users.