Scan a business card
Do you receive many business cards from prospects and customers? The fastest way to save this information in SuperOffice CRM is the business card scan function in the Mobile CRM app.
Go to Company/Contact.
Tap + select Scan business card.
When the phone's camera opens, take a picture of the business card and tap check √.
Mobile CRM also recognizes QR codes.
If Mobile CRM recognizes a company name that already exists in SuperOffice CRM, you can choose between these options: Add contact to company (1) that exists in the system or Add to a different company (2). Otherwise you will get the option Add new contact and company.
If Mobile CRM recognizes the information from a business card as already existing in the system, you will see the notification message This contact already exists in SuperOffice CRM.
After you select one of the options option, a new contact screen is automatically populated with data.
Optionally, change the way data was mapped into fields by entering new or rearranging the existing information.
Tap Save to store information both in the app and in SuperOffice CRM.