SearchCriterion Table (203)
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Criteria storage for Selection and other Find mechanisms
Name | Description | Type | Null |
SearchCriterion_id | Primary key | PK | |
SearchCriteriaGroup_id | Owning group | FK SearchCriteriaGroup | |
criterionId | Usually DbFieldId of field to be searched | FieldId | |
extraId | Extra info, forms part of the internal unique identification of the criterion | Id | ● |
udefIdentity | Extra info for searching udef fields, to keep track of actual field across layout changes | Id | ● |
operatorId | Operator ID | Enum CriterionOperator | |
linkType | Link type, AND or OR | Enum CriterionLinkType | |
active | Should this criterion be executed | UShort | |
rank | Ordering within this group | UShort | |
registered | Registered when | UtcDateTime | |
registered_associate_id | Registered by whom | FK associate | |
updated | Last updated when | UtcDateTime | |
updated_associate_id | Last updated by whom | FK associate | |
updatedCount | Number of updates made to this record | UShort | |
columnName | Column name from archive provider in NetServer/SIX.web | String(254) | ● |
operatorName | Operator name from archive provider | String(254) | ● |
uniqueKey | Unique key (hash) from ArchiveRestrictionInfo | Id | ● |
parenthesis | Parenthesis value, positive is number of opening parentheses to prepend to this criterion, negative is the number of closing parentheses to append | Short | ● |
Operator | ID | Comment |
enInvalidOperator | 0 | Invalid |
enDateIsEqual | 1 | Date is equal |
enAllBefore | 2 | All before |
enAllAfter | 3 | All after |
enAllBeforeToday | 4 | All before today |
enAllAfterToday | 5 | All after today |
enLastWeek | 6 | Last week |
enThisWeek | 7 | This week |
enNextWeek | 8 | Next week |
enLastMonth | 9 | Last month |
enThisMonth | 10 | This month |
enNextMonth | 11 | Next month |
enLastQuarter | 12 | Last quarter |
enThisQuarter | 13 | This quarter |
enNextQuarter | 14 | Next quarter |
enThisHalfYear | 15 | This half year |
enThisYear | 16 | This year |
enFromTo | 17 | From to |
enTodayIsEqual | 46 | Today is equal |
enBeginsWith | 18 | Begins with |
enDoesNotBeginWith | 19 | Does not begin with |
enIsEqual | 20 | Is equal |
enIsNotEqual | 21 | Is not equal |
enContains | 22 | Contains |
enDoesNotContain | 23 | Does not contain |
enOperatorLessThan | 24 | Less than |
enOperatorGreaterThan | 25 | Greater than |
enOperatorEquals | 26 | Equals |
enOperatorLessOrGreaterThan | 27 | Less or greater than |
enOperatorBetween | 28 | Between |
enListIsEqual | 29 | List is equal |
enListIsNotEqual | 30 | List is not equal |
enBooleanIsEqual | 31 | Boolean is equal |
enTreeIsEqual | 32 | Tree is equal |
enTreeIsNotEqual | 33 | Tree is not equal |
enListCurrentAssociate | 34 | List current associate |
enWeek | 35 | Week |
enWeekLast | 36 | Week last |
enWeekThis | 37 | Week this |
enWeekNext | 38 | Week next |
enMonth | 39 | Month |
enMonthLast | 40 | Month last |
enMonthThis | 41 | Month this |
enMonthNext | 42 | Month next |
enSelectionIsEqual | 43 | Selection is equal |
enProjectIsEqual | 44 | Project is equal |
enContactIsEqual | 45 | Contact is equal |
enFirstWorkHourIsEqual | 47 | First work hour is equal |
enListIsOneOf | 1000 | illustrate that the values selected should be one-of |
enListIsNotOneOf | 1001 | illustrate that the values selected should be not-one-of |
enOlderThan | 1100 | Older than |
enNewerThan | 1101 | Newer than |
enStatusIsSet | 1200 | Is Equal To 1 - used by Saint status monitors |
enBetween | 1250 | Between |
Fields | Types | Description |
SearchCriterion_id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
Table | Description |
associate | Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons |
SearchCriteriaGroup | Criteria storage for Selection and other Find mechanisms |
SearchCriterionValue | Criteria storage for Selection and other Find mechanisms |
Replication Flags
- Area Management controlled table. Contents replicated to satellites and traveller databases.
- Replicate changes UP from satellites and travellers back to central.
- Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.
Security Flags
- No access control via user's Role.