QuoteVersion Table (39)
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There may be multiple Versions of a Quote, with one of them active
Name | Description | Type | Null |
quoteversion_id | Primary key | PK | |
ERPQuoteVersionKey | Key in the ERP system that uniquely identifies this Version within the ERP system (if available, the field may be empty). | String(254) | ● |
QuoteId | Foreign key to CRM quote (the conceptual parent). Owning Quote of this Quote Version. | FK Quote | |
Description | Description of Version. Potentially longer text description, typically used in a tooltip. Max 2K. | String(2047) | ● |
Number | A quote number that the user (or ERP connector) can fill out. | String(254) | ● |
State | Current state of this quote version. | Enum QuoteVersionState | ● |
ArchivedState | State that this quote version had, right before it was changed to Archived; in this way we can show what happened before the archiving. | Enum QuoteVersionState | ● |
Status | If there was a problem with for instance calculation, this field is set to warning or error. | Enum QuoteStatus | ● |
Reason | If there was a problem, this field contains a localized explanation of the problem and possible steps to fix it that the user can be shown. | String(2047) | ● |
LikelyQuoteAlternativeId | The alternative that is considered most likely to be accepted. Used to calculate probable income. | FK QuoteAlternative | ● |
SentDate | The date the version was sent to the customer. | DateTime | ● |
FollowupId | Link to a follow-up activity, created when this quote version was sent to the customer. | FK appointment | ● |
ExpirationDate | Last date the quote Version is valid, expiration is at midnight end of this day. | DateTime | ● |
DeliveryCountryId | Country of delivery address, typically copied from the contact record | FK country | ● |
HasOwnDeliveryAddress | The delivery address is not the same as the contact's Street address | Bool | ● |
InvoiceCountryId | Country of invoice address, typically copied from contact record | FK country | ● |
HasOwnInvoiceAddress | The quote has an address for Invoicing. This will typically be copied from the company's addresses. | Bool | ● |
ERPPaymentTermsKey | Either a List id to an id from a connector provided list, or, if the connection doesn’t support lists, a text. For instance: ‘Standard 30 days’. | String(254) | ● |
ERPPaymentTypeKey | Either a List id to an id from a connector provided list, or, if the connection doesn’t support lists, a text. For instance: 'Invoice'. | String(254) | ● |
ERPDeliveryTermsKey | Either a List id to an id from a connector provided list, or, if the connection doesn’t support lists, a text. For instance: ‘FOB’ (‘Free on board’). | String(254) | ● |
ERPDeliveryTypeKey | Either a List id to an id from a connector provided list, or, if the connection doesn’t support lists, a text. For instance: ‘Air’. | String(254) | ● |
Rank | Rank/Version number, starts at 1 | Int | ● |
ApprovedBy | Id of associate who approved (or rejected approval) for this version | FK associate | ● |
ApprovedText | Text with comments on why approval was granted (or rejected) | String(1023) | ● |
ApprovedRegisteredBy | Id of associate who actually entered the approval; might be different from ApprovedBy (f.x. due to telephone consultation/approval) | FK associate | ● |
ApprovedRegisteredDate | When was approval granted or rejected | DateTime | ● |
extraField1 | Optional information added by Quote Connector; usable in the quote document merge process | String(1023) | ● |
extraField2 | Optional information added by Quote Connector; usable in the quote document merge process | String(1023) | ● |
extraField3 | Optional information added by Quote Connector; usable in the quote document merge process | String(1023) | ● |
extraField4 | Optional information added by Quote Connector; usable in the quote document merge process | String(1023) | ● |
extraField5 | Optional information added by Quote Connector; usable in the quote document merge process | String(1023) | ● |
LastRecalculated | When this version was last subjected to a total recalculation. This field must be set by the connector, since the connector may choose to ignore a RecalculateVersion call based on policies and possibly the current value of this field. SuperOffice will set this field to 1.1.1760 whenever any change occurs to the quote, to indicate that a recalculation is needed. | DateTime | ● |
registered | Registered when | UtcDateTime | |
registered_associate_id | Registered by whom | FK associate | |
updated | Last updated when | UtcDateTime | |
updated_associate_id | Last updated by whom | FK associate | |
updatedCount | Number of updates made to this record | UShort | |
request_associate_id | User to whom the request proposal should be delivered | FK associate | ● |
request_comment | Comment for why quote should be approved | String(1023) | ● |
State of a Quote Version
used in: QuoteVersion.State; QuoteVersion.ArchivedState
State or ArchivedState | Comment |
0 | State unknown |
1 | Draft that has been calculated, and ERP has verified it as OK |
2 | This is a draft that has not been calculated, prices and other attributes may be 'invalid' relative to ERP system rules |
3 | Draft has been checked, and there was a problem that needs (human) approval |
4 | Draft with potential problems has been human-approved |
5 | Draft has been checked, there was a problem, and (human) approval was NOT granted |
6 | Sent to customer, and is now a legally binding document |
7 | Archived - previous state saved in ArchivedState, newer versions exist |
8 | Version was rejected by the customer - we lost the sale |
9 | Quote was accepted and the sale is 'Sold' |
Enumeration used in several tables
used in: QuoteVersion.Status; QuoteAlternative.Status; QuoteLine.Status
Status | Comment |
0 | OK, all is good |
1 | All is good, but there is some additional information that the user should be made aware of. |
2 | There is a problem that the user must be made aware of. |
3 | There is a problem that the system will not be able to get around. The user needs to do something. Example: The user has registered a quoteline that is discontinued and the amount the user has registered is not in stock. |
Fields | Types | Description |
quoteversion_id | PK | Clustered, Unique |
ERPQuoteVersionKey | String(254) | Index |
QuoteId | FK | Index |
Table | Description |
appointment | Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents (document_id != 0). An appointment always has a corresponding record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this. |
associate | Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons |
country | Country information |
Quote | Quote root level, at most one per Sale, always connected to one Sale |
QuoteAlternative | Quote Version is made up of one or more Alternatives. One of 1..n possible alternatives in a Quote Version. The reason we have alternatives is that a quote can say to a customer, “we can solve you problem in two (or more) different ways, with different technology and sideeffects (and price)”. An Alternative may have discounts on the total amount. The Alternative tracks whether the user on the order level entered the Discount , Earning amount or the TotalPrice fields so that the discount and earning and total can be re-calculated correctly when Quote Lines are added or changed. |
QuoteVersionAttachment | Actual attachments to a quote |
Replication Flags
- Area Management controlled table. Contents replicated to satellites and traveller databases.
- Copy to satellite and travel prototypes.
Security Flags
- Sentry controls access to items in this table using user's Role and data rights matrix.