AppointmentStatus Enum
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• 2 minutes to read
status=done,started, not started, hidden
Name | Value | Description |
UnknownOrPostIt | 0 | Appointment is not initialized or it is a Post-IT for users diary, used together with ApointmentType.Note only |
NotStarted | 1 | Appointment has not been started |
Started | 2 | Appointment has been started, but not completed |
Completed | 3 | Appointment is completed |
Hidden | 4 | Appointment is hidden |
Booking | 5 | Appointment is a booking invitation (initial status for a booking) |
BookingMoved | 6 | Appointment is a booking that has been moved since it was seen by the invitee |
BookingSeen | 7 | Appointment is a booking and has been seen, but neither accepted nor rejected |
BookingMovedSeen | 8 | Appointment is a booking that has been moved. The movement has been seen but neither accepted nor rejected |
BookingDeclined | 9 | Appointment is a booking that has been seen and declined |
BookingDeleted | 10 | Status of "child" appointment whose "mother" has been deleted (the meeting is cancelled) |
Assignment | 11 | You are assigned this appointment (initial status, like Booking(5) ) |
AssignmentSeen | 12 | You have seen the assignment, but not yet declined or accepted it |
AssignmentDeclined | 13 | You have declined the appointment assigned to you |
- appointment.status - Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents (document_id != 0). An appointment always has a corresponding record in VisibleFor specifying who may see this.