Scripting events called on the
static void BeforeGetArchiveListWithContext(
String guiName,
String providerName,
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] sortOrder,
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restriction,
String[] entities,
Int32 page,
Int32 pageSize,
String context,
ref object eventState
Executes before the service method is invoked. The return value is not calculated yet, so this method can't affect the result. It can store some state in the eventState parameter, that is passed to the After and AfterAsync methods in this service call. Event state is not preserved between different service calls. It is set to null at the start of each service call.
static void AfterGetArchiveListWithContext(
String guiName,
String providerName,
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] sortOrder,
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restriction,
String[] entities,
Int32 page,
Int32 pageSize,
String context,
ref ArchiveListItem[] returnValue,
ref object eventState
Executes after the service method has been invoked. The service waits for this method to complete before returning the result to the caller. The return value has been set. The script may modify the return value by altering the returnValue parameter. Any state you set in the Before method is passed in through the eventState parameter.
static void AfterGetArchiveListWithContextAsync(
String guiName,
String providerName,
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] sortOrder,
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restriction,
String[] entities,
Int32 page,
Int32 pageSize,
String context,
ref ArchiveListItem[] returnValue,
ref object eventState
Executes after the service method is invoked, without waiting for the call to return. The service call is not blocked waiting for this method to complete. The async event handler cannot modify the return value of the service call. Any state you set in the Before method is passed in through the eventState parameter.