Class User
Class for representing a user.
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Class for representing a user.
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Gets the value of a given column.
String getValue(String colName)
Type | Name | Description |
String | colName | String with column name. |
Type | Description |
String | Returns a string with value in given column. |
Possible values:
Value | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The primary key (auto-incremented) |
loginname | String | The unique loginname for this user. |
username | String | The unique username for this user. |
password | String | The encrypted password for this user. |
firstname | String | The firstname for this user. |
middlename | String | The middlename for this user. |
lastname | String | The lastname for this user. |
String | The email address for this user. | |
status | Integer | The status (enum) for this user. 1 is Active; 2 is Not Present; 3 is deleted |
signature | String | The users signature. |
language | String | A string indicating the user's language. See list below for values. |
flags | Integer | A bitmask indicating flags for this entry. |
lastCategory | Integer | The last chosen category for this user when posting tickets. |
pictureId | Integer | The attachment ID of the picture for this user. |
defaultUser | Integer | The default user to set on new tickets in this category (1=automatically; 2=unassigned; 3=the owner) |
initials | String | Obsolete field. Cannot be removed because of not null error on older systems |
group | Integer | The group ID of the primary group which this user belongs to |
role | Integer | The role ID of the role this user belongs to |
associateId | Integer | The corresponding associate id for this user |
ownerCompany | Integer | the contact ID of the owning company of the users' connected person entity. |
x_* | The extrafield with the given database field name. |
Language values:
Value | Description |
0 | Norwegian |
1 | English |
2 | German |
3 | Swedish |
4 | Danish |
5 | Dutch |
6 | French |
7 | Spanish |
8 | Italian |
9 | Czech |
10 | Finnish |
11 | Polish |
12 | Russian |
13 | Ukrainian |
Status: (Indicated by enums):
Flag | Value |
StatusNone | 0 |
StatusNormal | 1 |
StatusNotAvailable | 2 |
StatusDeleted | 3 |
StatusReadOnly | 4 |
StatusSpm | 5 |
StatusSystem | 127 |
The different notify masks: (Indicated by bit enums):
Flag | Value |
NewTicket | 1 |
NewTicketMessage | 2 |
TicketEscalated | 3 |
TicketActivated | 4 |
ActiveTickets | 5 //only used as a filter (ejuser) |
TicketTakeOver | 6 |
Hotlist | 9 //only used as a filter (ejuser) |
Custom | 10 |
Access flags:
Flag | Value |
AccessNone | 0 (value 0) |
AccessListOthers | 0 bit number 1) |
AccessReadOthers | 1 |
AccessEditOthers | 2 |
AccessEditOwnPref | 3 |
AccessCategoryAdministration | 4 |
AccessUserAdministration | 5 |
AccessEjournalAdministration | 6 |
AccessStatistics | 7 |
AccessDocuments | 8 |
AccessJustCategory | 9 //obsolete |
AccessEditProfile | 10 |
AccessListOnlyOwn | 11 |
AccessReadOnlyOwn | 12 |
AccessEditOnlyOwn | 13 |
AccessChat | 14 |
AccessChatAdmin | 15 |
AccessSpm | 16 |
AccessEditFaq | 17 |
AccessFaqAdmin | 18 |
AccessListExtraTablesContent | 19 |
AccessEditExtraTablesContent | 20 |
AccessReadSelections | 21 |
AccessEditSelections | 22 |
AccessPostToFacebook | 23 |
User flags:
Flag | Value |
None | 0 |
UseLastCategory | 1 |
DefaultTicketClose | 2 |
DefaultMessageClose | 3 |
SortDesc | 4 |
PreviewImages | 5 |
OnlyOwnCategories | 6 |
SmallFonts | 7 |
InsertLastMessage | 8 |
ShowQuickSearch | 9 |
Use24HrsClock | 10 |
AddMessageNewWindow | 11 |
OnlyShowOpenTicketsInHotlist | 12 |
UseLocalClock | 13 |
HighlightActiveScreenElement | 14 |
DisplayOwnCategories | 15 |
SuppressWarnOnNavigate | 16 |
SuppressPreviewWarning | 17 |
PlainTextEditor | 18 |
FckEditorSingleLineBreak | 19 |
CustomDateFormat | 20 |
SundayFirstDayInWeek | 21 |
OldScreensOnEditTicket | 22 |
KeepFormattingOnPaste | 23 |
DisplayCheckboxLeft | 24 |
ShowMessagesAsPlainText | 25 |
HasSOWinLicense | 26 |
HasSOWebLicense | 27 |
HasSpmCal | 28 |
HasMailMergeCal | 29 |
HasChatCal | 30 |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Returns true if the user have at least the given access to the given ticket id.
Bool hasTicketAccess(Integer ticketId, Integer accessLevel)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | ticketId | |
Integer | accessLevel | AccessLevel is 0 for listing tickets, 1 for reading tickets and 2 for editing tickets. |
Type | Description |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Returns true if the user is an administrator, false if not.
Bool isAdministrator()
Type | Description |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Checks if a user is logged in or not.
Bool isLoggedIn(Integer origin)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | origin | 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface. |
Type | Description |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Loads a user from the database
Bool load(Integer p_id)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | p_id | The user Id. |
Type | Description |
True if the user is loaded successfully. |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Loads a user from an Agent with userId and the Agent's key.
Bool loadFromAgentAndKey(Integer id, String Key)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | id | ID of the user |
String | Key | Key of the agent. |
Type | Description |
True if the user is loaded successfully. |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Saves a user object to the database, returns the ID of the user.
Integer save()
Type | Description |
Integer | Returns the ID of the user. |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Sets a value in a given column.
Void setValue(String column, String value)
Type | Name | Description |
String | column | |
String | value | |
String | columns | String with column name. |
Type | Description |
Void |
Possible values:
Value | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The primary key (auto-incremented) |
loginname | String | The unique loginname for this user. |
username | String | The unique username for this user. |
password | String | The encrypted password for this user. |
firstname | String | The firstname for this user. |
middlename | String | The middlename for this user. |
lastname | String | The lastname for this user. |
String | The email address for this user. | |
status | Integer | The status (enum) for this user. 1 is Active; 2 is Not Present; 3 is deleted |
signature | String | The users signature. |
language | String | A string indicating the user's language. See list below for values. |
flags | Integer | A bitmask indicating flags for this entry. |
lastCategory | Integer | The last chosen category for this user when posting tickets. |
pictureId | Integer | The attachment ID of the picture for this user. |
defaultUser | Integer | The default user to set on new tickets in this category (1=automatically; 2=unassigned; 3=the owner) |
initials | String | Obsolete field. Cannot be removed because of not null error on older systems. |
group | Integer | The group ID of the primary group which this user belongs to |
role | Integer | The role ID of the role this user belongs to |
associateId | Integer | The corresponding associate id for this user |
ownerCompany | Integer | the contact ID of the owning company of the users' connected person entity. |
x_* | The extrafield with the given database field name. |
Language values:
Value | Description |
0 | Norwegian |
1 | English |
2 | German |
3 | Swedish |
4 | Danish |
5 | Dutch |
6 | French |
7 | Spanish |
8 | Italian |
9 | Czech |
10 | Finnish |
11 | Polish |
12 | Russian |
13 | Ukrainian |
Status: (Indicated by enums):
Flag | Value |
StatusNone | 0 |
StatusNormal | 1 |
StatusNotAvailable | 2 |
StatusDeleted | 3 |
StatusReadOnly | 4 |
StatusSpm | 5 |
StatusSystem | 127 |
The different notify masks: (Indicated by bit enums):
Flag | Value |
NewTicket | 1 |
NewTicketMessage | 2 |
TicketEscalated | 3 |
TicketActivated | 4 |
ActiveTickets | 5 //only used as a filter (ejuser) |
TicketTakeOver | 6 |
Hotlist | 9 //only used as a filter (ejuser) |
Custom | 10 |
Access flags:
Flag | Value |
AccessNone | 0 (value 0) |
AccessListOthers | 0 bit number 1) |
AccessReadOthers | 1 |
AccessEditOthers | 2 |
AccessEditOwnPref | 3 |
AccessCategoryAdministration | 4 |
AccessUserAdministration | 5 |
AccessEjournalAdministration | 6 |
AccessStatistics | 7 |
AccessDocuments | 8 |
AccessJustCategory | 9 //obsolete |
AccessEditProfile | 10 |
AccessListOnlyOwn | 11 |
AccessReadOnlyOwn | 12 |
AccessEditOnlyOwn | 13 |
AccessChat | 14 |
AccessChatAdmin | 15 |
AccessSpm | 16 |
AccessEditFaq | 17 |
AccessFaqAdmin | 18 |
AccessListExtraTablesContent | 19 |
AccessEditExtraTablesContent | 20 |
AccessReadSelections | 21 |
AccessEditSelections | 22 |
AccessPostToFacebook | 23 |
User flags:
Flag | Value |
None | 0 |
UseLastCategory | 1 |
DefaultTicketClose | 2 |
DefaultMessageClose | 3 |
SortDesc | 4 |
PreviewImages | 5 |
OnlyOwnCategories | 6 |
SmallFonts | 7 |
InsertLastMessage | 8 |
ShowQuickSearch | 9 |
Use24HrsClock | 10 |
AddMessageNewWindow | 11 |
OnlyShowOpenTicketsInHotlist | 12 |
UseLocalClock | 13 |
HighlightActiveScreenElement | 14 |
DisplayOwnCategories | 15 |
SuppressWarnOnNavigate | 16 |
SuppressPreviewWarning | 17 |
PlainTextEditor | 18 |
FckEditorSingleLineBreak | 19 |
CustomDateFormat | 20 |
SundayFirstDayInWeek | 21 |
OldScreensOnEditTicket | 22 |
KeepFormattingOnPaste | 23 |
DisplayCheckboxLeft | 24 |
ShowMessagesAsPlainText | 25 |
HasSOWinLicense | 26 |
HasSOWebLicense | 27 |
HasSpmCal | 28 |
HasMailMergeCal | 29 |
HasChatCal | 30 |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface
Loads a user and returns it to a given Parser.
Void toParser(Parser parser)
Type | Name | Description |
Parser | parser | Parser the user should be loaded to. |
Type | Description |
Void |
User u;
u.load(2); // Loads user with id = 2
u.setValue("email", "");
u.setValue("language", "en"); // "no" or "en"
u.setValue("status", "1"); // 1 is Active, 2 is Not Present, 3 is deleted
print(u.isLoggedIn(2).toString()); // 2 = web pages, 1 = soap interface