Track responses
Version: 10
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Before you can track responses, you need to fetch the main appointment and all its descendants. You can then explore the invitation status of each appointment.
In this example, we check and print the response for each attendee using a String
array. You can look up status codes on the invitations page.
String[15] state;
state[1] = "accepted";
state[5] = "not seen";
state[7] = "seen, but not declined or accepted";
state[9] = "declined";
Integer aId = 242;
NSAppointmentAgent appointmentAgent;
NSAppointmentEntity appointment = appointmentAgent.GetAppointmentEntity(aId);
NSAppointment[] invites = appointmentAgent.GetAppointmentRecords(aId, 0);
Integer rejects = appointment.GetRejectCounter();
if (rejects == 0) {
printLine("There are currently no rejects.\n");
else {
printLine("There are " + rejects.toString() + " rejects.\n");
for (Integer i = 0; i < invites.length(); i++) {
NSAppointment a = invites[i];
if (a.GetAppointmentId() == aId) {
Integer s = a.GetInvitationStatus();
if (s == 1 || s == 5 || s == 7 || s == 9) {
printLine(a.GetAssociateFullName() + " with ID=" + a.GetAssociateId().toString() + " has " + state[s] + " the invitation.");
if (s == 9) {
printLine("Reason: " + a.GetRejectReason());