Sorting CS extra fields list values
Some tooltip text!
• 3 minutes to read
• 3 minutes to read
We have had multiple requests from customers to sort the list values of a customer service extra field alphabetically.
Since Customer Service doesn't have the same udlist system as sales, this is a bit more work to do by hand, so why not automate it?
We have developed a small script that automatically sorts all list option values alphabetically:
#setLanguageLevel 3;
// alphabetically sort the list values of an text field
// domain = domain of the extra_field, 4 = ticket, can be set to 0 to disable criteria
// extraTableId = Id of the extra table that the field is from, can be set to 0 to disable criteria
// fieldName = name of the field, without the table prefix, example : x_product
// returns false when field not found, otherwise true
Bool sortExtraFieldOptions(Integer domain, Integer extraTableId, String fieldName){
// Get current field params
SearchEngine extraFieldParamSearch;
if (domain > 0) {
extraFieldParamSearch.addCriteria("extra_fields.domain", "OperatorEquals", domain.toString());
if (extraTableId > 0) {
extraFieldParamSearch.addCriteria("extra_fields.target_extra_table", "OperatorEquals", extraTableId.toString());
extraFieldParamSearch.addCriteria("extra_fields.field_name", "OperatorEquals", fieldName);
if (!extraFieldParamSearch.eof()) {
// params are split by \n
String[] parameters = extraFieldParamSearch.getField("extra_fields.params").split("\n");
// use map since the keys are automatically sorted alphabetically on insert
Map sortedOptions;
// string array of the existing parameters that aren't list options + the options now sorted alphabetically
String[] newParameters;
for (Integer i = 0; i < parameters.length(); i++) {
// get the parameter value, make sure we don't have an \n in it since it the \n is used as parameter delimiter
String parameter = parameters[i].stripLeadingAndTrailing("\n");
// if parameters starts with 'option=' it means this is a list option parameter
if (parameter.beginsWith("option=")) {
// get the list option value
String option = parameter.after("option=");
sortedOptions.insert(option, "");
else // none list option parameter, add directly to new parameters array {
newParameters.pushBack(parameter + "\n");
// add the now sorted list values back as option parameter
for (sortedOptions.first(); !sortedOptions.eof(); {
newParameters.pushBack("option=" + sortedOptions.getKey() + "\n");
String newParametersString;
// concat the new parameters back to a single string
for (Integer i = 0; i < newParameters.length(); i++) {
newParametersString += newParameters[i];
// update params in the database
SearchEngine extraFieldParamUpdate;
extraFieldParamUpdate.addData("extra_fields.params", newParametersString);
extraFieldParamUpdate.addCriteria("", "OperatorEquals", extraFieldParamSearch.getField("";
return true;
return false;
Example usage:
sortExtraFieldOptions(4, 0, "x_area");
Use the flush cache option in rms.fcgi?action=debug
if you don't see the changes reflected in CS.
Hope this is useful for others!