A variable is a box for storing data values. The label you put on that box represents the variable name and type. It identifies what is or can be put in there.
You start by declaring a variable with its type followed by you chosen name and a semicolon.
Integer shoeSize;
In CRMScript, variables must be declared with a specific type (for example Integer, Bool, Float, String, or DateTime). They must also be declared before they are used. If you refer to a variable that is declared later, you will get an error.
After declaring the variable, you can give - or assign - a value to it.
shoeSize = 39;
The 1st time you assign a value to a specific variable is also called the initialization.
If you prefer, you can combine declaration and initialization into a single statement.
Integer shoeSize = 39;
To retrieve the value, you simply refer to the variable name.
To change (update) the value, you use another assign statement.
shoeSize = 42;
Variable names
You can label variables almost anything you want.
- Lower-case and upper-case letters a-z, numbers, and underscore.
- Names must be unique within their scope.
- Names can't be any of the reserved words.
Variable types
The basic built-in data types are:
- Bool
- Float
- Generic
- Integer
- String
Also, you can create objects of all the built-in classes, for example DateTime or Company.
Scope determines where you variable is visible and can be used.
Most variables are local, meaning that they are available only within the block you declared them in. This lets you reuse variable names in multiple functions and blocks, such as the counter i
in loops.
Variables declared outside any class, struct, or function are global. These are available to any other code in the current script.