CRMScript coding conventions
Always use the same conventions for all your CRMScripts. This will:
- Improve code readability
- Make it easier to maintain the code
Variables, structs, and methods must be declared before they are used.
Naming conventions
Variable names
Use camelCase for variable names. Start all names with a letter.
Integer shoeSize = 42;
String firstName = "Eva";
You may also use numbers [0-9] and underscore. Hyphens and the $ sign are not allowed in CRMScript names.
Strive to pick names as descriptive as possible, within reason. Favor readability over space. Avoid unfamiliar abbreviations. For example, don't shorten firstName
to fn
The built-in classes use Pascal case, as do the methods in the NetServer classes.
File extensions
CRMScript files should have a .crm extension.
Use lower-case file names for portability. Some, but not all, web servers are case sensitive. If you choose to mix cases, you need to be painstakingly consistent to avoid errors.
Statement rules
- One statement per line.
- Always end simple statements with a semicolon. Don't end complex statements with a semicolon.
Integer i = 10;
while (i > 0) {
Kernighan and Ritchie style brackets:
- The first statement of a non-empty block must begin on its own line.
- Put the opening bracket at the end of the 1st line.
- Use a single space before the opening bracket.
- Put the closing bracket by itself on a new line without any leading spaces.
Struct rules
General rules for struct definition:
- Put the opening bracket on the same line as the struct name.
- Put the closing bracket on a new line without any leading spaces and end with a semicolon.
struct Car {
String brand;
String model;
Integer modelYear;
Void print() {
print( this.brand + " " + this.model + ", " + this.modelYear.toString());
Code indentation
Always use 2 spaces for indentation of code blocks. Don't use tabs for indentation.
Line length
Avoid lines longer than 80 characters.
If a statement doesn't fit on 1 line, you can break it after an operator or a comma. Use +4 spaces indentation for the wrapped (continued) lines.
- Long URLs should be clickable in the source.
- Preserve long strings that should be searchable as a whole (for example paths).
- Don't split import and export statements.
- Always put a single space on either side of binary operators and after commas.
- Put a single blank line between consecutive methods and structs.
- Use blank lines sparingly to group statement blocks.
- Put a single space between reserved words and an opening parenthesis
- Put a space before and after the double slash // for comments
- Omit trailing whitespace.
- Don't align values horizontally.