Chatbot scripts reference
Bot Register
The script name must match the pattern '%bot%register%'
Input variables
Variable | Description |
action | "register" / "unregister" |
topicid | the ID of the topic the bot is active on |
Bot Session Create
The script name must match the pattern '%bot%session%create%'
Called when a new session starts on a channel with the bot activated.
Input values
Value | Description |
---|---| | session has been saved/created at this point |
chatSession.topicId | topic the session belongs to |
chatSession.customerAlias | |
chatSession.sessionKey | |
chatSession.customerHost | |
chatSession.status | state of new session |
chatSession.chatbot_isactive | "1" (true) for bot sessions | | same as chatSession.topicId | | name of channel |
chatTopic.botName | name of bot |
foundAgents | any agents found? Never true for bot channels |
Bot Session Change
The script name must match the pattern '%bot%session%change%'
This script is called when the session changes status (when pre-form is filled in by the customer).
Input values
Value | Description |
---|---| | session ID |
chatSession.topicId | topic the session belongs to |
chatSession.status | new status |
chatSession.userId | SuperOffice user handling the session |
chatSession.customerId | |
chatSession.botActive | always going to be true |
chatSession.customerName | if filled in by pre-form |
chatSession.customerEmail | if filled in by pre-form |
chatSession.companyName | if filled in by pre-form |
chatSession.customerPhone | if filled in by pre-form |
Variables status.old
contain old and new values for chat session status.
Chat session status values
Value | Status |
0 | StatusInvalid |
1 | StatusPreChatForm |
2 | StatusFaq |
3 | StatusOfflineForm |
4 | StatusInQueue |
5 | StatusCustomerLast |
6 | StatusUserLast |
7 | StatusFinished |
8 | StatusDeleted |
9 | StatusClosed |
10 | StatusRequestPosted |
11 | StatusClosedFromQueue |
Bot Message Receive
The script name must match the pattern '%bot%message%receive%'
Input values
Value | Description |
chatSession.topicId | |
chatSession.status | pre-chat form, in-queue, user message, and so on |
chatSession.userId | the SuperOffice user handling the session, not set for bots |
chatSession.botActive | 1 for bots |
chatSession.customerName | from pre-form |
chatSession.customerEmail | from pre-form |
chatSession.companyName | from pre-form |
chatSession.customerPhone | from pre-form |
chatSession.customerId | |
chatSession.contactId | |
chatSession.projectId | |
chatSession.saleId | |
chatSession.ticketId | |
chatMessage.sessionId | | | |
chatMessage.message | what the customer typed |
chatMessage.type | 2 = from the customer, or 3 = special |
chatMessage.specialType | if type = 3 |
chatMessage.specialParam | if type = 3 - Json containing options | | name shown in chat | | |
chatTopic.botName |
Bot Post Message
addChatMessage(Integer sessionId, String message, Integer type, String author, Integer specialType, String specialParams, DateTime whenPosted)
Posting a message will set the chat session status to 6 (user last) since the bot was the last to speak.
Reset Chat
resetChat(Integer sessionId)
This starts the session over (session status starts at the beginning again).
Change Status
setChatStatus(sessionId, Integer newStatus)
This changes the session status. This may trigger the session changed event.
Chat message types
Value | Type |
1 | ToCustomer |
2 | ToUser |
3 | Special |
Chat message special types
Value | Type |
0 | None |
1 | Welcome |
2 | Url |
3 | Block |
5 | NewSession |
6 | TransferedSession |
7 | Error |
8 | Deleted |
9 | FaqSuccessQuestion |
10 | ClosedByUser |
11 | ClosedByCustomer |
12 | ClosedByIdle |
13 | TransferRejected |
14 | ReopenedByCustomer |
15 | ClickedOption |
17 | Options |
17 means that the message has a list of clickable options. Options are as JSON array in specialParam