How to get the API version
Some tooltip text!
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• 2 minutes to read
You can get the version number and build date from the API endpoint: /api
This returns a block with the supported versions and the NetServer version number.
- If you don't ask specifically, you get the HTML representation.
- If you ask for JavaScript, you get the following:
{ "v1": "",
"NetServerVersion": "",
"NetServerAssembly": "",
"NetServerDate": "2021-11-18",
"NetServerLabel": "Release_10.0.2_2021.11.12-01",
"NetServer": "SuperOffice 10.0.2 NetServer 10.0 Release (Build: Release_10.0.2_2021.11.12-01)",
"Services": "Services87",
"ServicesCurrent": "Services88",
"Version": "v1"
Supported URLs
If you fetch the version URL, you get back a list of supported URLs: /api/v1
This returns an array of URLs mapped to the HTTP methods they support, along with some documentation:
"": {
"POST": "Set default values into a new ContactRelationEntity."
"": {
"POST": "?contactRelationEntityId={contactRelationEntityId} Gets a ContactRelationEntity object."
"": {
"POST": "Creates a new or updates an existing contact relation."
"": {
"POST": "Deletes the specified contact relation."
"": {
"GET": "Gets description of WebPanelEntity list",
"PUT": "Save the description of WebPanelEntity list"
"": {
"GET": "Gets a list of all WebPanelEntity list items.",
"POST": "Create a new WebPanelEntity list item"
"{id}": {
"GET": "Gets a WebPanelEntity list item.",
"PUT": "Updates the existing WebPanelEntity",
"DELETE": "Marks the existing WebPanelEntity as deleted."
You can use this information to determine if the server supports the features you need.