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Example 1
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
PersonRows personRows = PersonRows.GetFromIdxFirstname("Donald");
Assert.IsTrue( personRows.Count > 0, "There are persons with first name Donald" );
foreach (PersonRow personRow in personRows)
Assert.AreEqual( "Donald", personRow.Firstname, "The first name is Donald" );
Example 2
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
PersonRows personRows = new PersonRows.IdxContactId(10);
Assert.IsTrue( personRows != null, "A collection of persons where returned" );
Assert.IsTrue( personRows.Count == 2, "There are persons 2 with contact #10" );
foreach (PersonRow personRow in personRows)
Assert.AreEqual( 10, personRow.ContactId, "Contact ID for the person is 10" );
Example 3
Custom search allows you to specify a general query and get a row collection back.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
PersonRows.CustomSearch queryPersons = new PersonRows.CustomSearch();
queryPersons.Restriction = queryPersons.TableInfo.Lastname.Like(S.Parameter("a%"));
PersonRows somePersons = PersonRows.GetFromCustomSearch( queryPersons );
foreach (PersonRow person in somePersons)
long id = person.ContactId;
string firstname = person.Firstname;
string lastname = person.Lastname;