Create an appointment through OSQL
When using OSQL, we would first have to import the necessary namespaces:
- SuperOffice.CRM.Data
- SuperOffice.Data
- SuperOffice.Data.SQL
The syntax of this code is similar to that of SQL with the difference being in the keywords.
The following example shows how we could create an appointment using OSQL.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Creating DataSets with the Tables of the Database
AppointmentTableInfo newAppTab = TablesInfo.GetAppointmentTableInfo();
//Creating an instance of the Insert class
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
//Inserting the necessary fields of the Table
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.AppointmentId, S.Parameter(Sequence.GetNext(newAppTab)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.AssociateId, S.Parameter(103));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.ContactId, S.Parameter(20));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.PersonId, S.Parameter(10));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.GroupIdx, S.Parameter(1));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.DoBy, S.Parameter(new DateTime(2007, 4, 20)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.Status, S.Parameter(SuperOffice.Data.AppointmentStatus.NotStarted));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.Done, S.Parameter(new DateTime(2007, 4, 20)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.TaskIdx, S.Parameter(10));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.Updated, S.Parameter(new DateTime(2007, 4, 20)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.UpdatedAssociateId, S.Parameter(103));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.UpdatedCount, S.Parameter(1));
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance and assigning the earlier created Select statement
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
//Begin Transaction
SoTransaction newTrans = myConn.BeginTransaction();
myComm.Transaction = newTrans;
//Executing the Insert Statement
myComm.SqlCommand = newInsert;
//Committing the transaction and closing the session
Since we are creating an appointment, we would need to create an instance of the AppointmentTableInfo with the use of the TablesInfo
class's GetAppointmentTableInfo():
AppointmentTableInfo newAppTab = TablesInfo.GetAppointmentTableInfo();
Next, we create an instance of the Insert
class that can be used to update the appointment table. After the instance has been created, we would be able to use the instance to update the fields of the appointment
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.AppointmentId, S.Parameter(Sequence.GetNext(newAppTab)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAppTab.AssociateId, S.Parameter(103));
Once the required fields have been added, a database connection will be made with the use of the ConnectionFactory
and the values will be inserted into the database with the ExecuteNonQuery
In OSQL, there is no method that provides default values. It is necessary to insert values to all mandatory columns. If not a runtime exception will occur.