Update a person with a new name, address, position using OSQL
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When using OSQL, we would first have to import the necessary namespaces:
- SuperOffice.CRM.Data
- SuperOffice.Data
- SuperOffice.Data.SQL
The syntax of this code is similar to that of SQL with the difference being in the keywords.
The following example uses OSQL exclusively.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
//Begin Transaction
SoTransaction newTrans = myConn.BeginTransaction();
myComm.Transaction = newTrans;
//retrieve the person table info
PersonTableInfo newPerTable = TablesInfo.GetPersonTableInfo();
//retrieve the address table info
AddressTableInfo newAddTable = TablesInfo.GetAddressTableInfo();
//Creating an Instance of the Update Class of the person table
Update newPerUpdate = S.NewUpdate();
//Creating an Instance of the Update Class of the address table
Update newAddUpdate = S.NewUpdate();
//Retrieve the person with personid "17" to make the update
//Retrieve the address of the personid "17" to make the update.
//here we assume that we know the address id of the person
//Making the necessary updates in the persons table
newPerUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newPerTable.Firstname, S.Parameter("Johan"));
newPerUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newPerTable.Lastname, S.Parameter("White"));
newPerUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newPerTable.PositionIdx, S.Parameter(1));
//Making the necessary updates in the address table
newAddUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAddTable.Address1, S.Parameter("No: 73"));
newAddUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAddTable.Address2, S.Parameter("West Gate Street"));
newAddUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAddTable.Address3, S.Parameter("Lexington"));
newAddUpdate.FieldValuePairs.Add(newAddTable.City, S.Parameter("Kentucky"));
//create a batch save instance
BatchSave myBatchSave = new BatchSave();
//Make the Database Update
myComm.SqlCommand = myBatchSave;
//Commit the transaction and close the session
If we have to update several tables, we need several update instances. Above, we have 2 update instances for the 2 tables. We have given the update values separately in the update instances we have created for the 2 tables. When we have more than one command to be executed against the database, we have to use the batch save instance since it can hold many SQL commands.