Retrieve a list of people using SODataReader
When using the SoDataReader, it is all OSQL. It is very important that you know the SuperOffice database thoroughly.
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using(SuperOffice.SoSession session =
SuperOffice.SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
//Using the Select Statement in order to retrieve Data
//Creating DataSets with the Tables of the Database
ContactTableInfo newConTable = TablesInfo.GetContactTableInfo();
PersonTableInfo newPerTable = TablesInfo.GetPersonTableInfo();
//Retrieving Data from a the tables in to a Instance of the Select Class
Select newSelect = S.NewSelect();
//Choosing the columns that should be retrieved
//Restricting the rows that should be returned
newSelect.Restriction = newConTable.ContactId.In(S.Parameter(21));
//Joining the multiple tables
//Ordering the retrieved Data
newSelect.OrderBy.SortOrder.Add(newPerTable.Firstname, SuperOffice.Util.OrderBySortType.ASC);
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance and assigning the earlier created Select statement
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
myComm.SqlCommand = newSelect;
//open the connection
//Loading the Data into the DataReader
SoDataReader myReader = myComm.ExecuteReader();
//Retrieving the Data from the Reader
while (myReader.Read())
//lets iterate through record returned and access the individual fields returned
mbPersonName.Items.Add((string)myReader[newPerTable.Firstname] + " " + myReader[newPerTable.Lastname]);
//Closing the Reader and Disposing the session
For us to get a list of persons for a given contact, we need the contact
table and the persons
table. In the above example, first, we have created 2 table info objects we need. Once we have the table info objects we can start building our select statement.
We start by specifying the return fields, the restriction we want (Contact_Id = 21
) and then we join the 2 tables. Here we join the contact
table and the persons
table with contact ID.
Then we can order the results of our select statement, in this case by the FirstName
in the ascending order. You can leave the ordering out if you prefer.
Now we can execute the reader and get our results to an SoReader
object. Once you have the records in the reader, you can loop through the results and access individual fields returned. Here, we have concatenated the first name and the last name of the person records returned and assigned to a combo box.