"phonesearch" MDO List
Some tooltip text!
• 3 minutes to read
• 3 minutes to read
Search phone numbers for matching stripped numbers, across person and contacts. Return company name + department, or person name. Use AdditionInfo to restrict search to just Person or Contact phone numbers using "P" or "C".
Returns: list item with
id = person or contact id
Name = company name + phone number or person name + company name + phone number
ExtraInfo + Tooltip = GSM formatted phone number (with country prefix)
Full Name = person name or company name
Type = "Person" or "Contact"
IconHint = "Person" or "Contact"
Implemented by the
Additional Attributes
Description | Name | Example Value |
Person only search | P | |
Company only search | C |
Sample Request
GET /api/v1/MDOList/phonesearch
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: *
Sample Code
var listProvider = SuperOffice.CRM.Lists.SoListProviderFactory.Create("phonesearch", forceFlatList: true);
foreach (var item in listProvider.RootItems) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
item.Id, ResourceManager.ParseInlineResources(item.Name), item.StyleHint, item.ExtraInfo);
Sample Output
Id | Name | StyleHint | ExtraInfo |
20 | Arnt Arntsen (Amadeus AS, AAvdeling) 22544545 | Person | +4722544545 |
23 | Britt Bærum (Bever Inc, BAvdeling) 2342354 | Person | +472342354 |
25 | Bjørn Bjørnsen (Bjørge AS, BAvdeling) 5467546745 | Person | +475467546745 |
27 | Carl-Oskar Cederström (Chevrolet Norge AS, CAvdeling) 5684564 | Person | +475684564 |
29 | Cecilie Carlsen (Colina AS, CAvdeling) 56765754 | Person | +4756765754 |
31 | Dina Didriksen (Dansukker AS, DAvdeling) 675676756 | Person | +47675676756 |
33 | David Derstad (Delta Produkter AS, DAvdeling) 56784567 | Person | +4756784567 |
35 | Eva Evaldsson (Elan Hoppski, EAvdeling) 56757547 | Person | +4756757547 |
39 | Frida Fredriksen (Familien AS, FAvdeling) 56756757 | Person | +4756756757 |
41 | Fritz Fernley (Fritz & Frantz Import, FAvdeling) 56745674 | Person | +4756745674 |
43 | Geir Grønbeck (Galliano Liquer, GAvdeling) 56757556 | Person | +4756757556 |
45 | Guro Gjelsten (Golf-Import A/S, GAvdeling) 5675467 | Person | +475675467 |
47 | Hilde Hummelvold (Hard Core Imports Inc., HAvdeling) 78678678 | Person | +4778678678 |
49 | Hans Haugen (Hotel Lord Nelson, HAvdeling) 6786856 | Person | +476786856 |
51 | Ida Iversen (Illinoise Market Fare INC, IAvdeling) 6785678 | Person | +476785678 |
53 | Ivar Ivarson (Indian Carpets AS, IAvdeling) 678657856 | Person | +47678657856 |
55 | Niels Jensen (Jensen Madrasser, JAvdeling) 678657856 | Person | +47678657856 |
57 | Julie Jansen (Juul & Hansen AS, JAvdeling) 678678567 | Person | +47678678567 |
59 | Kent Karlsen (Kavaler ASA, KAvdeling) 67865867 | Person | +4767865867 |
61 | Kristine Krystad (Kongsberg Amunisjon, KAvdeling) 678567857 | Person | +47678567857 |
63 | Lars Ludvigsen (Lena Trevare AS, LAvdeling) 678657856 | Person | +47678657856 |
Related MDO Lists
- "phonesearchheadings"
- "phonesearchheadingswithallitem"
- "phonesearchheadingswithallitemwithnoselection"
- "phonesearchheadingswithnoselection"
- "phonesearchwithallitem"
- "phonesearchwithallitemwithnoselection"
- "phonesearchwithnoselection"