"allpersonsearch" MDO List
Provider for selecting a Person, including search on contacts that match as well as persons. This provider will return a mix of contact and person records. The type is indicated in the Type property of the item, and the contact ID is always in the extraInfo. Uses freetext to perform a speedy search on the contact and person tables. Does not include sub-tables, like userdefined fields, text records etc.
Searchs contact and person tables for matches, in addition to the contact search of the base class "contact" search.
Returns a mix of Persons with Contact and Person without contact items sorted by relevance: own contacts, recently added or updated are more relevant.
id = person_id,
Name = contact.name + department or person first+last name (contact name + department)
ExtraInfo = contact_id
Type = "Person"
Implemented by the
Additional Attributes
Description | Name | Example Value |
Skip retired employees | skipRetired | False |
Boost scores for persons on this contact | contactId | 123 |
Sample Request
GET /api/v1/MDOList/allpersonsearch
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: *
Sample Code
var listProvider = SuperOffice.CRM.Lists.SoListProviderFactory.Create("allpersonsearch", forceFlatList: true);
foreach (var item in listProvider.RootItems) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
item.Id, ResourceManager.ParseInlineResources(item.Name), item.StyleHint, item.ExtraInfo);
Sample Output
Id | Name | StyleHint | ExtraInfo |
2 | Example |
Related MDO Lists
- "allpersonsearchheadings"
- "allpersonsearchheadingswithallitem"
- "allpersonsearchheadingswithallitemwithnoselection"
- "allpersonsearchheadingswithnoselection"
- "allpersonsearchwithallitem"
- "allpersonsearchwithallitemwithnoselection"
- "allpersonsearchwithnoselection"