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The AppointmentMatrix is used to manage complex appointments: invitations and recurrences.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Entities;
// Let the attendee accept this one
using (SoSession.Authenticate("tje3", "tje3"))
int appointmentId = 123;
Appointment appointment = Appointment.GetFromIdxAppointmentId( appointmentId );
AppointmentMatrix matrix = new AppointmentMatrix(appointment, RecurrenceUpdateMode.ThisAndForward);
// Get attendee information for user to assign-to
AssociateCache associateCache = AssociateCache.GetCurrent();
AssociateRow jimbo = associateCache.GetAssociate(associateCache.GetAssociateId("jimbo"));
ParticipantInfo jimboParticipant= new ParticipantInfo(jimbo.AssociateId, jimbo.PersonId, 2, 0, false);
matrix.AssignTo( jimboParticipant );
using SuperOffice.CRM.Entities;
// Let the attendee accept this one
using (SoSession.Authenticate("tje3", "tje3"))
int assignedAppointmentId = 123;
assignAccept = new AppointmentMatrix(assignedAppointmentId, RecurrenceUpdateMode.ThisAndForward);
RecurrenceDate firstDate = assignAccept.InnerMatrix.GetRowKey(0);