Update a person with a new name, address, position using entities
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• 2 minutes to read
Let's discuss how we can update the name, address, and position of an existing person using entities.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Entities;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
//retrieve the person you want to change to a person entity
Person myPerson = Person.GetFromIdxPersonId(17);
//change the first name and last name
myPerson.Firstname = "John";
myPerson.Lastname = "White";
//retrieve a person position row that you want to
//assign as the person position to a row object
PersPosRow personPosition = PersPosRow.GetFromIdxPersPosId(1);
//assign retrieved position row as the position of the person
myPerson.Position = personPosition;
//fill in the basic properties of the address row
myPerson.Address.Address1 = "No: 73";
myPerson.Address.Address2 = "West Gate Street";
myPerson.Address.Address3 = "Lexington";
myPerson.Address.City = "Kentucky ";
//finally save the person entity
In the above example, we have used a mix of entities and rows. We have taken rows here since some of the properties that are exposed by the person entity are rows. For example, the position property of the person is exposed as a row.
We first change the name of the person we want and then retrieve a position row and assign the retrieved row as the position of the person. We have changed the address by accessing the properties of the address row through the person
property itself.
When we finally save the person
property, the address that was assigned to the person will get updated with the new values we specified.