Retrieve an Entity property through an Entity
The Sale
Entity contains a property that in itself is an Entity. Examples of such include Contact and Person properties. These properties consist of different properties which could be of different data types such as String, Double, Integer, Row, and DateTime.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Entities;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
//Retrieving an Entity
Sale newSale = Sale.GetFromIdxSaleId(2);
//Retrieving Properties of an Entity through an Entity
//Basic Properties
string salePerName = newSale.Person.Firstname + " " + newSale.Person.Lastname;
string salePerDOB = newSale.Person.DayOfBirth.ToString();
string salePerDept = newSale.Person.Department;
//Row properties
string salePerAdd = newSale.Person.Address.Address1;
string salePerAddCoun = newSale.Person.Address.County;
string saleCounEng = newSale.Person.Country.EnglishName;
string saleCounName = newSale.Person.Country.Name;
//Entity properties
string salePerConName = newSale.Person.Contact.Name;
string salePerConCoun =newSale.Person.Contact.Country.Name;
//Rows property
if (newSale.Person.Emails.Count != 0)
string[] saleEMAddress = new string[newSale.Person.Emails.Count];
string[] saleEMDesc = new string[newSale.Person.Emails.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (EmailRow email in newSale.Person.Emails)
saleEMAddress[i] = email.EmailAddress;
saleEMDesc[i] = email.Description;
i = i + 1;
//Entity Collection properties
if (newSale.Person.Sales.Count != 0)
string[] salPerSalAmt = new string[newSale.Person.Sales.Count];
string[] salPerSalConNm = new string[newSale.Person.Sales.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (Sale sale in newSale.Person.Sales)
salPerSalAmt[i] = sale.Amount.ToString();
salPerSalConNm[i] = sale.Contact.Name;
i = i + 1;
Here a Sale
Entity is retrieved using the IdxSaleId
class and some basic properties of the Contact
Entity are retrieved through the Sale
The Address
property (in the Contact of the Sale Entity) is of Row
type. This means that it represents a row in the Address
table. In this example, an Address row is retrieved.
The Sale Entity’s Person
has a property called Emails
. It consists of multiple Email Rows of type EmailRow
. The example shows how to retrieve each EmailRow of the Emails property of the Person through Sale Entity.
The Person property contains properties of SaleCollection