Working with Insert
Used when there is a need to insert multiple records in a table, Insert requires a target table name, an array of target column names and a matching dataset. The dataset must be a two-dimensional array of string values, where the first dimension represents the data rows and the second dimension represents each data cell in the row.
Data rows and column values
Built-in table:
Columns: | contact_id | name | country_id | business_idx | category_idx |
Row | "0" | "Company1" | "220" | "[I:6]" | "[I:3]" |
Row | "0" | "Company2" | "98" | "[I:1]" | "[I:2]" |
Row | "0" | "Company3" | "27" | "[I:4]" | "[I:1]" |
Extra table:
Columns: | x_name | x_description | x_height | x_width |
Row | "cat" | "in a hat" | "[I:123]" | "[F:321.4]" |
Row | "Foozle" | "Not woozels" | "[I:69]" | "[F:123.5]" |
Row | "Screwdriver" | "Philips head" | "[I:54]" | "[F:345.3]" |
Built-in tables
do not have to specify a primary key column. When not specified, all rows are automatically assigned primary key value from the sequence table. When present and equal to "0" or [I:0] they are assigned from the sequence table. When primary key column values are greater than 0, they are used as-is, however, the operation aborts if there is a collision.
Extra tables must not specify a primary key column.
Insert Example
Insert example
using SuperOffice.WebApi;
using SuperOffice.WebApi.Data;
using SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents;
// set up the DatabaseTable agent
WebApiOptions options = //Get WebApiOptions with SystemUser Authorization
DatabaseTableAgent dta = new DatabaseTableAgent(options);
// table name
string tableName = "y_rental";
// table columns (non-nullable columns)
var columns = new[] { "x_start", "x_end", "x_amount", "x_contact", "x_equipment" };
// table row data
var data = new string[][]
new[] {yesterday, today, CultureDataFormatter.EncodeInt(2), "123", "0" },
new[] {yesterday, today, CultureDataFormatter.EncodeInt(200), "456", "1" },
MassOperationResult results = await dta.InsertAsync(tableName, columns, data);
The example inserts 2 rows into the y_rental
table. Other unspecified columns in the table will be set to default values. As is with all extra tables, the primary key
will be auto-incremented by the database.