Invitation Archive
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• 2 minutes to read
• 2 minutes to read
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
using SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists;
using(SoSession.Authenticate("SAL1" , ""))
using(ArchiveAgent agent = new ArchiveAgent())
// columns: status icon, date, meeting text, name/department of company, full name of person
string[] columns = new string[] { "invitationStatusIcon", "date", "text", "contact/nameDepartment", "person/fullName" };
// order by: date, descending
ArchiveOrderByInfo orderBy = new ArchiveOrderByInfo( "date", OrderBySortType.DESC );
// restriction: associateId happens to be mandatory for this provider. Use current associate id as a good example
ArchiveRestrictionInfo assocRestriction =
new ArchiveRestrictionInfo( "associateId", "=", SoContext.CurrentPrincipal.AssociateId.ToString() );
// entities - what do we want to see. Here: everything. Leave out one or more to get rid of that kind of invitation
string[] desiredEntities = new string[] { "invitation", "cancelled", "rejected", "repeating", "response" }; // that's all of them
// get first page, max 50 rows, of the matching invitations
ArchiveListItem[] carrier = agent.GetArchiveListByColumns( "Invitation", columns,
new ArchiveOrderByInfo[] { orderBy },
new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] { assocRestriction },
desiredEntities, 0, 50 );
// for each row of the result...
foreach( ArchiveListItem row in carrier)
// extract and display the displayValue of each cell
// (you need to parse culturally sensitive values such as dates to get the correct client display format)
foreach( ArchiveColumnData cell in row.ColumnData.Values )
Console.Write( cell.DisplayValue + "\t" );